A lot of sweaty bodies

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"Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen. Tonight we'll put all other things aside," I sang as Nora was curling my hair.

"Ugh, remind me to never sing again once I get my body back," she deadpanned.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I grinned.

We were finally going out to fulfill our wishes. First we were going to a karaoke bar for Nora and then we were heading to a club so we could hit on people. I was beyond excited and ready to have some laughs.

"Eh close enough," Nora said and I knew that was her way of saying that she was done with my face and hair.

I looked in the mirror and noticed she'd put some color on my eyelids and my hair looked like I put in some effort. I preferred Nora's face without the extra makeup but decided not to tell her.

"Okay, what do I wear?" I asked.

"I don't really have clothes that are revealing. These are the dresses I usually wear when I go out," she said while rummaging in her closet. She threw a few dresses at my face.

They were all pretty but I wanted to be tacky.

Nora could tell by the look on my face that the clothes weren't really what I had in mind.

"With a nice push up bra, the black dress could be something," she suggested.

"Yeah, it does look like a tight dress," I said, not really convinced.

"But," she added with a grin, "I want you to look like you want to look so I have some other outfits."

"You do?" I asked.

"Milly's niece always dresses like she works at a strip club so I asked her to drop some off here while I was at school," Nora explained.

"Oh, the one with the turtle story?"


"Nevermind. Show me!" I exclaimed, feeling excited again.

"Okay, I have two dresses," she went to her closet again until she found what she was looking for.

The first one was a black dress that was completely sheer so you'd practically be naked and the other one was a lacey dark red with a very low cut and a split so high that if there would be a lot of wind, you'd probably see my underwear.

"Damn," I uttered. "Maybe the first one is a bit too much."

"I am so relieved you said that. I was afraid you were gonna pick that one," Nora told me.

"Hey, if you're not comfortable with me wearing these, just say so. It's still your body," I said, suddenly realising that this was Nora and not just a stranger's body.

"You can wear the red one. I'd never wear it myself but if you want to be tacky, who am I to stop you? I'll go get you some good underwear and heels," Nora told me. I was glad she was being such a good sport.

She returned with high heels, some jewelry and then grabbed a black lacey thong. I was turned on because suddenly an image of her wearing it flashed before my eyes but I tried to hide it.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked.

"Oh, right! Nipple covers," she said.

"Nipple what?"

There was a whole new world of girly things that I knew absolutely nothing about.

"Look at that dress. You can't wear a bra because it will show. These stickers protect the nipps from eh... protruding," she grinned as I processed all of the information.

After her explanation, I put everything on and looked at the result in the mirror. To be honest, it looked sexy but definitely not tacky.

"Damn. I kinda look hot," Nora said while turning slightly red. As if she was embarrassed admitting it.

"Is it normal that my feet are already hurting in these heels?" I asked, feeling a little uncomfortable in the shoes.

"That's bad. It's only gonna get worse. Oh well, not my problem," she smiled. "Just don't trip and fall because people will definitely see my cooch."

"I will try my best but I can't make any promises," I concluded.

We decided to take the bus because we were both gonna need a drink with the evening we had planned.

I noticed people were giving me looks and it made me paranoid that maybe I was flashing somebody but Nora would definitely warn me if I had a wardrobe malfunction.

The heels were not pleasant at all. I was glad Nora had put some flip flops in my purse.

We arrived at the karaoke bar and there were a few bachelor parties and people who figured they would get 'discovered' if they sang enough songs in the bar. There was a woman who was singing 'I will always love you' overly dramatic. She was a good singer but she was trying too hard. There was one guy who was screaming how awesome she was but then again, he had an empty pitcher of beer right in front of him. 

"So, what's your go to karaoke song?" I asked Nora as she was looking at the book with songs.

"Corny songs but I need to find a manly song. This is harder than I thought," she pondered. "It's either gonna be My Way by Sinatra or Livin on a prayer by Bon Jovi."

"Pick Sinatra. I like that song," I opted and to my surprise she agreed.

A few songs later, it was her turn. I noticed the excited spark in her eyes and I wondered why she wasn't nervous. I know I'd be.

I figured out why soon enough. She wasn't a bad singer. She didn't make me sound amazing but it definitely wasn't bad at all. The crowd was also enjoying her performance.

"Aw man, it's great hitting those low notes with ease!" she said after she was finished.

"That was nice! I didn't expect you to be good at this," I uttered in disbelief.

"I'm mediocre at best. But thanks!" she beamed. "Now, let's pick a duet!"

"A duet?" I asked. That wasn't the plan.

"Oh come on, it's fun!"

We decided to sing 'Don't go breaking my heart' and Nora had been right. It was a lot of fun. I was glad she had pushed me to do this since I was a karaoke virgin.

We laughed more than we were singing and it was hard to leave the place after a few hours but we had more plans.

There was a club out there waiting for us and I wasn't killing Nora's feet by wearing those heels for nothing.

"Okay, so what's the plan? We go our seperate ways and hit on people? Because I want to see you hit on them actually. I'll act gay so the guys won't get intimidated. They'd never approach a girl when they're there with a guy," Nora asked.

"I wanna see you do your magic too. So I guess we'll each take turns," I suggested.

"I'm actually kinda nervous. I don't know why. I don't wanna hurt anyone," Nora confessed.

"We're not hurting anyone. We're actually flattering people by talking to them. We'll use stupid pick up lines so they'll know we're not serious. How about that?" I asked.

"Yes, that sounds great!"

A few minutes later, we finally arrived at the club. It was dark save from a few lights illuminating the place slightly. The music was loud and the temperature was up.

We saw a lot of sweaty bodies getting it on on the dance floor.

I noticed Nora was tapping her foot to the music as she was looking around. I'd learned today that the girl had way more guts than I thought. She was badass.

I wondered whether she could pull it off to seduce a few girls by being corny but I had no doubt she would. Even though she had my body, she still had that Nora charm.

We were so ready to do this.

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