Horny not corny

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Well, that happened. 

We finally caved in and listened to our hormones that had been screaming at us for weeks. There had been a lot of sexual tension between us and I was glad we were able to give in to it.

I felt like it took more skill to do it as a man. Trying to postpone an orgasm was hard, I'd never done that before. I hoped I wasn't too disappointing. It also felt different, it was interesting. My orgasm seemed more concentrated towards my junk. As a girl, I feel it all over my body.

When we finished, I started to analyse it. I was glad we did this. It was an experience I'd never get to do again.

Unless we wouldn't change back. Then, of course, I'd have to get used to it. 

Oh, hey, intrusive negative thoughts. I was wondering where you were. 

I desperately needed to go back to the time when my biggest worry was my favorite pants ripping. 

It was morning and Sam was sleeping next to me. I was awake before him, something that rarely happened. 

Maybe because I felt anxious. Today was the day. It was gonna rain and it was our biggest shot to ever get back to normal. A lot was riding on today.

And a lot was riding on poor Milly.

She'd texted and called so many times and she kept apologizing. 

After a while, I felt bad for her. I'd forgiven her but it was clear she hadn't forgiven herself. 

"You awake?" Sam asked with a sleepy voice. He put his arm over my body so there was no way I could escape the bed. Well, a little effort would fix that but just because my body was fit didn't mean my soul wasn't lazy.

"Much to my own surprise, I am," I answered and suddenly his eyes opened. Clearly he couldn't believe how awake I sounded. 

"Is it because of yesterday?" he asked carefully.

Psh, that Fenna girl? Fuck that, I never really believed in her but only agreed to talk with her because of Sam.

Oh, he wasn't asking about that. He was asking about the other thing. Damn, I felt stupid.

"No, of course not. Yesterday was great," I told him.

Sam visibly relaxed and it surprised me how worried he got for a moment. 

"I think so too," he said while kissing the top of my head. Ugh, I hoped he wouldn't turn into one of those cheesy guys.

'Horny, not corny' was always my motto. Obviously, Sam didn't know that.

"No, I was thinking about tonight. Milly is gonna do her ritual and I'm just hoping it will work but I'm afraid we're doomed," I told Sam what was really on my mind.

"Yeah, I know," he sighed.

"What do you mean? No positive message for me? No optimistic outlook on the situation?" I teased.

"I just woke up, my optimism is still loading," Sam shot back. "So what exactly is the plan? I assume you and Milly have been discussing it."

"In the evening when it's about to rain, we go to her place. Oh and Neil's coming. Then she does her thing and then tadaaa. Or something like that," I explained.

Sam stayed silent for a while, he seemed to be mulling it over.

"Shouldn't we be in our own beds? Like last time?" he asked eventually.

"You think so?" I asked, thinking it over. It made a lot of sense. We did agree that we needed to keep as many factors the same.

Maybe it was a bad idea to risk being in another place if that would slim down our chances.

"I don't know, maybe it's stupid," Sam shrugged.

"No, you're right. We should do it like that," I suggested.

We didn't have anything planned that day and that turned out to be a huge mistake.

It gave us so much time to worry about everything. There was no distraction whatsoever.  My mind was slowly going crazy, thinking in circles.

Tom, Sam's pervy friend and a guy they call Skank had texted if I could hang out with them but I wasn't able to be Sam today. I was feeling too antsy and they'd definitely notice if something was up.

A few minutes later, I regretted not saying yes to their invitation. At least it would've been a great distraction.

I ended up playing board games with Neil. It was something we used to do a lot when we got bored during the weekends. And I'd never admit it but I'd missed spending time with my brother. 

Sam had gone on a run. He'd regret that later on when he realised my body wasn't cut out for all the exercise but he said it always cleared his head so I guess he was hoping it would still have the same effect.

"You suck even more than usual," Neil stated calmly.

"No, Neil. I have always sucked and you know it," I grinned. 

"It's weird though... the more I talk with you, the less I see the exterior," Neil told me while eyeing me carefully.

"I know. When I see Sam, I don't see my own body anymore. It's just Sam," I chimed in. "I mean, I can see it but ..."

"You can look through it easily," Neil finished my sentence.

"Exactly," I agreed.

"Be honest, sis. What's the deal between you two?" he asked all of a sudden and I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes.

"Considering our situation, it's hard to define," I sighed.

"But?" Neil urged me to go on.

"But there's something about him... I don't know," I told Neil, I didn't really want to get into it.

Neil didn't say anything but looked at me funny so I decided to ignore it.

Luckily, time went by a little faster playing board games. Well, we didn't play a lot but kept revisiting memories attached to us playing the games as kids. It was nice. 

Later that evening, Neil, Sam and I went to Milly's place to get everything in order. Not that it was a lot of work, we only repeated everything we were about to do.

"I'm nervous," Milly said after we went by the plan one last time. I think she was saying what we were all feeling. 

"I mean, I'm afraid I'm gonna mess something up," she said.

"I'll stay with you, to make sure you didn't skip anything," Neil offered and it seemed to calm her down.

It was getting pretty late and the more I kept thinking about it, the more stress I felt in my body. I really hoped I wasn't gonna have another panic attack but Sam squeezing my arm once in a while, helped me.

"It looks like it could rain any minute now, we should head home," Sam suggested.

We said goodbye to Milly and Neil and when I arrived at home, Sam said goodbye to me. He needed to go to his own place.

"What if it fails because I can't sleep?" I asked him. Whenever I was nervous, I'd have trouble falling asleep.

"You said you couldn't sleep that night because of the rain. Maybe sleeping isn't essential for this to work," Sam opted and I hopd he was right.

We shared a kiss before we said goodbye. It was short but there was some kind of desperation I felt in that kiss. As if things could really change for us.

A few hours later, I was in bed trying to fall asleep. The rain was coming to an end.

Luckily I was able to doze off for a few hours and when I woke up I immediately ran to the mirror to see if anything had changed.

I was beyond disappointed.

I was still stuck in Sam's body.

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