Are we always such messes

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I felt like dying.

If I had my own body, I'd probably be crying because of all the stress. Apparently, Sam's body didn't work that way. There was a jittery feeling in the pit of my stomach and my heart was racing. I tried not to focus on it because I didn't want to get another panic attack and so far, I'd managed to do so.

I kept pacing back and forth, unable to keep this body still. I was slowly going insane and all the possible worst case scenarios were running through my mind.

I hoped the doctor would call soon with the result of my blood test because if I'd imagine being abducted by the government to do experiments on my body one more time, I'd flip my shit.

Or maybe they'd find another abnormality.

Maybe this wasn't real and this was just me being psychotic.

Maybe they'd find a disease in this body and we were slowly dying.

With each 'maybe', I grew more scared.

After an hour of torturing myself the doctor called and at first I was okay with the results but then I realised that this was in fact the worst case scenario.

I'd been so worried that they'd find something problematic but they didn't find anything.

The tests came back completely normal.

Sam's body was healthy and no abnormalities were found.

So yes, I was relieved things were okay. But the fact of the matter was that we weren't any closer to finding the truth.

Biologically speaking, we were fine.

I didn't know how to tell Sam.

I didn't know how he'd react to the news.

Was he hoping they'd find something? I figured he was. We were so done with each other's bodies.

There was no physical explanation why we were this way so that meant there wasn't a solution. And the fortune teller didn't know anything either so that wasn't an option either.

More possible solutions? We couldn't find any. Every second of free time we had, we were searching for answers but to no avail.

What were we going to do?

The last bit of hope I'd had that we would find a solution was slipping away. I felt like giving up. But if I gave up, what would be next? Acceptance?

How did I accept something like this?

How did I accept that I was stuck living Sam's life forever? To be a guy forever?

And what about Sam? He would have my body forever. It was evident nobody would believe that we woke up one morning and realised our bodies got swapped.

I decided to go to my home where Sam would be. He was the only one going through the same thing.

I went to Sam and without saying a word I went to my bed and started crying. He went to lie beside me and he held me while I was having a mental breakdown. He didn't say anything and he didn't ask anything even though there were probably a million questions floating around in his head.

After a while, I started to calm down. I realised we were still lying next to each other when Sam give me a kiss on my forehead.

"Sorry," I uttered when I felt strong enough to talk.

"As a guy in a girl's body having my period, I totally understand," Sam said softly with the corner of his mouth raised.

"True," I tried to chuckle but it sounded entirely different, probably because all of the emotion hadn't left my body yet.

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