I told him to go

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I'd woken up because Sam had been lying next to me and he appeared to be having a nightmare. He kept tossing and turning and it seemed like he wanted to say something but the words didn't come out.

It annoyed me that he'd woken me but the feeling only lasted a second because something felt wrong.

There was a tingling sensation all over my body, like pins and needles. 

Sam didn't seem to notice but this seemed like weird version of a panic attack and I didn't really know what to do so I decided to wake him up.

It seemed to take forever to actually get him out of his slumber and even when he did wake up he needed a minute to recover from his dream. I wondered what it was about and just as I was telling him something was wrong, the tingling stopped.

My body went back to normal.

I sighed in relief until realisation dawned upon me.

My body went back to normal.

I started jumping up and down and waited for Sam to finally realise what was happening but it seemed to last forever.

"What is up with you?" he asked while rubbing his fist in his eye.

"Look at me!" I exclaimed with a huge grin on my face. My eyes had started to water from all the emotion.

"Yeah? You're happy?" Sam guessed.

I calmed down for a minute so I could get it through his thick skull.

"Look at me," I repeated slowly. "And remind me to buy you a helmet."

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and I saw his expression slowly change into one of realisation the moment he looked at his hands and then at me again.

"It worked!" Sam grinned. He grabbed me, locking me in a hug and kissed my face about a thousand times before he let go.

"I can't believe it. Milly did it," he added.

"She did! We need to call her," I told her and grabbed my phone. Much to my dismay, she didn't pick up. Although it was understandable since it was 5 o'clock in the morning.

Sam got out of bed and started dressing himself. Normal Nora would turn around and sleep for another hour or three but I was way to excited to get back to sleep.

"This feels like Christmas morning when you're a kid," Sam told me and I couldn't agree more.

"I know! So what are you gonna do today?" I asked him.

"I might go home, play with my little brother. Or I could hang out with the guys," Sam uttered while pretending to be in deep thought. "Or I could spend my time with you."

"I would encourage you to do the first two things on that list because you've been spending all your time with me the past month," I told him but felt flattered and maybe even a little flustered that he'd still wanted to spend time with me.

"I know, but I kinda liked doing that," he shrugged.

"Just go see your family, you dweeb," I laughed. "We'll meet up later."

After a peck on my lips, he walked out of the room with a huge grin on his face and definitely a pep in his step. 

I got dressed for the day and went to the bathroom to put makeup on my face. My own face. I took my time and tried to enjoy and savor every minute of it.

Even the tiniest movements I tried to cherish. I felt lighter. Literally lighter. Sam's arms and legs were heavier than time. 

I was even glad I got to sit down to pee.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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