chapter 2

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Red was still agitated when he had to get back to training. He left a bit earlier than normal, leaving Purple to finish charging his own PAK. Feeling a bit nervous, Red strode down the hall he knew to take but made a turn, coming down to a door he had made a point to memorize but had never stopped at before. Hesitant, Red straightened his back as much as he could, knocking. He didn't have to wait long before the door whooshed open, his dear Irken obsession on the other side.

Zim's eyes hardened at the sight. "What is it? Are you aware that this is still a time to recharge?" He questioned harshly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Red tried to harden his own gaze, but not enough to be cold. "Zim...I just wanted to take a moment to congradulate you on not being declared a Drone. I should have known you would manage to continue training,"

"That must really bug you...having me prove you wrong," Zim nearly hissed.

"Not at all," Red assured, allowing a small smile to show. "I rather enjoy the excitement you tend to cause," Zim's expression softened, obviously not expecting that. Red mentally cheered himself. Of course his plan would work! First to scold mistakes, then praising success. He knew Purple had been wrong to doubt him. Not wanting to loose the moment, he continued. "Speaking of excitement...I did want to ask you something. During the ceremony...I noticed that Taller Spork said something...but I couldn't make out what,"

Zim blushed lightly, looking away. "Yes, Taller Spork can be commanding and..." Zim's blush grew a bit as he bit back a smile. "...intimate,"

Red wanted to punch the wall. But he instead took a deep breath. "Intimate? How so?"

Zim eyed Red again and raised his chin with a smirk. "Seems Taller Spork has...recognized me as the amazing being I so am. Even granted me a special title,"

"Title?" What, like a pet-name? Already? Rediculous!

"I'm sorry, I wish I could say more, but I have to prepare for my day of training. Good bye," With that the door shut, leaving Red alone and feeling struck and angry.


Zim giggled to himself after the door shut. He was happy Skooge left a while ago (the little slob managed to become a training Pilot) so he didn't have to answer any questions.

He felt giddy as he heard Red walk away. He knew he'd made the Taller angry. Zim shrugged it off, assuming it was jealousy. After all, Red always talked about being the next Tallest...well, after Spork now, that is. Zim figured that Red felt threatened that Zim was on the good side of someone so high-up and so respected. After all, Zim could make it possible for Red to be eniligable, now couldn't he? If he played the game right...

Zim suddenly paused his movements of straightening his clothes, looking at his reflection and recognizing his sullen expression gazing back at him. Was that really what Red was thinking, coming down to Zim's room? He had never bothered to come find Zim before...

He sighed. Not that he would admit it, but Zim had a lot of respect for the Taller Irken. Red was...a genius. He was polite...a little sarcastic and callous at times, but...Zim knew he could be sweet. He'd seen it in the way Red acted around Purple and some of the other well-behaved Elites.

But he's never nice to Zim... Zim blinked back the horrifying feeling of tears threatening to become visible and took several deep breaths to calm himself. Sure, Red said something nice a moment ago, but Zim didn't think it was genuine. He thought of it as Red trying to get Zim to willingly give him information. And Zim despised being used. That's why he always tried to make a point to use show everyone that he was in charge. He liked being in controll and calling the shots...Why does everyone wish to hurt Zim? Was he really that bad? He couldn't remember doing anything to warrant such harsh treatment from his fellow Elites. True, Zim was short...shorter than everyone else by a little...but he was still taller than the young smeets.

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