chapter 8

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Spork had been busy in meetings concerning the Elites via the communication devices in his chambers. By the time he was finally done checking in with everyone, he noted that he had no time to do any evaluations. He stood and stretched, hoping that Zim was still in the research station so he could bring him to dine again.

Just as he was getting ready to leave, a knock came to his door. Rolling his eyes, Spork nearly growled in displeasure. If that's an instructor coming to bother me, heads will roll...

Instead of some pestering instructor, it was Zim.

Spork's mood lifted immediately. "Zim! I was just coming to see you,"

Zim said nothing, stepping in and looking at Spork very intently.

Spork eyed the smaller one, wondering what he was thinking. This was so different to the air Zim had about him last night-cycle. Still, Spork said nothing, allowing Zim this moment and letting things flow. Still, he couldn't resist trailing his hand gently over the side of Zim's face in a comforting gesture. Zim leaned into the touch and allowed his pink eyes to slip shut, making Spork smile.

Finally, after some time, Zim spoke. "You were right,"

Spork didn't need to ask what Zim meant. He pulled Zim into a comforting hug, Zim wrapping his arms as well as he could around the Taller. "Are you alright?"

"I feel terrible for making him sad," Zim admitted. "But I couldn't lie and tell him I thought of him the same way,"

"You mean you don't have any feelings for him?" That was surprising...

"I respect Red but I don't...It's not the same...Not at all..." Zim blushed darkly saying it. He nuzzled further into Spork. "I'm sorry...Should I not be saying this?" Zim was so confused he didn't know what was what.

"Oh, Zim," Spork moved to lift the other, carrying him bridal style to the chair Zim had been using whenever he came to Spork's chambers, setting him down gently. Spork kneeled to be at eye level, taking Zim's hand in his. "No one is going to hold your feelings against you. No one can force you to feel things you can't feel,"

"I know," Zim replied. He peered at Spork, blushing lightly. "Are you...still okay? With what I did before?"

Spork smiled. "Yes, of course. I'm still surprised,"

Zim smiled softly. "Good. I was wondering because you didn't come today,"

"Yes, I was kept in meetings," Spork groaned. "I'm a little irritated that I've been in front of that damn screen all day,"

"We could walk around if you want," Zim suggested. "Stretch your legs,"

Spork shook his head. "That's alright. I know you've been on your feet all day,"

"I don't mind," Zim insisted, blushing darker.

Spork chuckled, moving to nuzzle against Zim's cheek. "I know you don't, dear Zim," He purred, loving the contact after a long day apart. He could feel Zim shiver against him and decided to be playful, tugging Zim's collar down a bit with his teeth to trace his lips over the soft flesh there.

Zim gasped, his shoulder bucking up a bit out of reflex. "S-Spork!"

"Yes, dear Zim?" Spork nipped at Zim's neck, deciding he rather liked Zim's reaction. He knew that he should probably move much slower, but he had been thinking of how Zim had behaved before all day during his meetings and he wanted more of that. "If you want me to stop, I will,"

Zim slowly craned his neck for Spork, giving him more room. He didn't quite know what Spork was planning, but it did feel good. He let his eyes slip shut and wait to see what else Spork would do. He also found himself vaugely wondering why this felt so much nicer than when Red had touched him.

Spork took Zim's behavior as permission to continue and smiled, moving a hand to pull Zim closer to him. He could hear Zim's cardiac-spooch pounding and he was certain his was doing the same. Spork had had intimate encounters like this before, yes, but none of them made him want to be so...considerate. It was more experimentation. This was different.

He pulled back to see Zim's face, smiling at the look of bliss the other had. Zim's eyes opened to gaze at him when he felt Spork move away, not trusting his voice enough to question why.

Spork smiled reassuringly, slowly pulling Zim's glove off, waiting to see any form of resistance. When he got none, Spork slid it the rest of the way off, jolts of pleasure rushing up his spine at the feel of bare skin meeting his own. He moved to do the same to the other hand, again getting no resistance. Taking both hands in his own, Spork brought them both up to his lips, kissing them gently.

Zim smiled at that. He loved how gentle Spork was with him. He scooted closer, biting back a sound when his lekku touched Spork's. Lekku by nature were sensitive and Irkens training to be Elites were discouraged against touching them because it led to distractions. At the moment, neither cared that it was frowned upon, what they were doing.

Spork loved the feel of Zim's lekku against his own and took Zim's chin in his grasp, making Zim look up at him. It was so perfect...Those pink orbs sparkling just like they always did...That blue blush on those cheeks that went so well with the shade of lovely green Zim had...Slowly Spork leaned forward until first he felt Zim's quickening breath meet his own...and then those soft lips pressed lightly against his in their first kiss.

Zim gasped at the contact. He had barely registered how much closer Spork's face was until it was too late to comment on it. Still, Zim wasn't afriad of the situation. He liked it...He liked that Spork touched him in all these ways that made him want more without knowing what exactly more was. Timidly, he pressed further into it, his lekku shivering against Spork's, making him tremble.

Spork purred at the contact, Zim pressing into it making him jolt. He grasped the back of Zim's neck, experiementally licking at Zim's lower lip and making his lekku press more forcefully against Zim's. He heard Zim whimper and chuckled against Zim's lips before pulling back. The dazed look on Zim's face made him want to kiss him all over again, but he held back, letting Zim recollect himself.

Zim, finally managing to regain his senses, looked up to the Taller, confused. "S-Spork? What...?" He didn't have the words. He was still so lost.

Spork nodded in understanding. "I apologize. I just wanted to see how you would react if I acted on my wants,"

"Your wants?"

"Zim, I want to teach you these things, but slowly. In case things...happen,"

"What do you mean?"

Spork sighed, stroking Zim's cheek gently as he had before. "I just don't want you to feel pressured...I just want you to do things because you want to,"

Zim cocked his head as he thought over what Spork said and decided against arguing. Spork was older and more experienced...Maybe there was something more Zim had to learn before Spork gave him more of those touches. Finally he nodded. "Okay, Spork...I trust you,"

"I know you do," Spork said, smiling. "Now, how about we eat?"

Zim nodded, happy he hadn't spoiled the mood. Honestly, he was just happy to be in Spork's company.

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