chapter 16

240 13 4

Another update. I'm trying to behave.



When Zim awoke from recharging, he felt more relaxed than he ever had before. He smiled sweetly as he stretched out on the bed. Not feeling Spork beside him, he blinked lazily and gazed about, hearing the soft drone of a voice along the wall. Zim lifted himself from the bed, seeing the marked time. It had been the waking cycle for three hours!

Zim blushed a striking indigo and felt a rush of alarm. His eyes sought out Spork and found the Taller sitting a ways away, facing the screen embedded into the wall and speaking to another Irken. Zim's blush darkened and he clung the blanket to his form in embarrassment.

Spork is in a conference with Tallest Miyuki! Zim sunk into the bed, trying to disappear. Wasn't this improper?! Sure, Spork had said that Tallest Miyuki had an idea of them having a relationship and Spork had said the Tallest even supported it, but that didn't mean it was proper for Zim to be spending the night with the Taller!

Zim's thoughts whirled. He had been so happy to spend time with his...What was Spork? The Smaller hummed in thought. He didn't know what to call the other. Zim hadn't been Marked by Spork, so they weren't Matched. They had touched bare skin, but they weren't lovers… What were they?

Perhaps we don't have a name for what we are. I can't even decide between him or Red. It was a horrible thing to admit, but Zim still felt something for the pilot. As sweet and wonderful as Spork made him feel, he couldn't deny Red's affection made him feel elated. He wanted to deny that Red had any serious feelings about him, but Purple himself had told Zim and the Smaller knew that Purple was one of the few Irken that didn't lie to spare feelings. That's why Zim had a certain quiet respect for Purple. Whenever he and Red would exchange words- or fists- if Purple stepped in, Zim was always quick to back. He liked that Purple was a Taller that didn't automatically look down on others. He was naturally sweet and encouraging.

Zim hoped that whoever Purple was Marked by deserved him.

Spork sighed and stood to stretch, breaking the Smaller from his thoughts. The golden-eyed Irken moved back to the bed and smiled at the sight of Zim there. It was like he belonged there, among Spork's bedding, that young face still flushed with both sleep and excitement for a new day. "Did you have a restful cycle, dear Zim?"

The Smaller smiled in return and nodded. "Thank you for letting me stay. I didn't interupt your conference with Tallest Miyuki, did I?"

"No, of course not," Spork assured. He took a seat on the bed, bringing Zim's head to rest against him again. "I call her every morning and evening to exchange information. She informs me of relations among our borders and I inform her of the progress among the trainees,"

Zim nodded in understanding, happy he wasn't a burden. He chewed at his lower lip before speaking again. "Spork… What would you say we are?"

"What do you mean?"

"We aren't...Marked," Zim spoke up. He fidgeted and turned his gaze to the bedding, unsure of how else to phrase it.

"Ah," Spork chuckled. "Yes, we do have a rather unusual relationship for Irkens, don't we?" He relaxed further against the massive headboard and thought over how best to phrase his answer. "The way I see it… We are enjoying each other's company until you choose what path you wish to take. As sad as I would be, I would hold no animosity against you or Irken Red if you chose him. I only wish for your happiness. Should you choose to remain at my side, I would very much like to be Matched with you. If you'd allow it, that is,"

Zim hummed in acknowledgement to show he had been listening. It was a fair and honest answer. He was unsure if other Irkens had ever engaged in multiple potential partners like this. He nuzzled into Spork. "I wasn't thinking about how others would talk when they see me leave this early in the day," Zim admitted sheepishly.

"What does it matter what they say?"

"I don't want Red to resent you anymore than he does,"

Spork laughed. "It's a little late for that. Even if you chose him from the beginning, he would dislike me just because he knows I would adore you from afar,"

They sat quietly for some time, basking in the love they shared. Eventually Zim groaned. "I don't see any point in going to training today,"

"Then don't. You're ahead, anyway," Spork stood from the bed. "Why don't you accompany me in overseeing?"

"Accompany you?!" Zim's eyes lit up as he gaped at Spork. A Smaller and Taller… Out in public together as equals!

"Of course," Spork encouraged. "Besides, should you decide to be Marked by me, I want you to know that I would have you at my side in all things,"

Zim swooned and leapt from the bed. "I need a uniform!" He exclaimed, rushing to the replicator.


Purple yawned as he entered the cafeteria without Red. The pilot complained that he wanted to rest longer before doing weight training rather than going to the flight simulators. The violet-eyed Irken had no energy to protest and tried to will away the daze clouding his sight as he looked over the options for food, wondering what he should get.

"The frylongs are good," a voice spoke up beside him.

Purple's lekku perked as he looked over to see Skooge beside him. He was vaugely aware that the Smaller's uniform actually looked clean for once and didn't reek. "Frylongs?" He asked, his voice soft from his rest.

Skooge's left lekku jerked the tiniest bit at the welcoming tone of Purple's voice. He had never heard the other speak like that before. He cleared his throat. "They're a newer item. A uh...pastery filled with vort meat that's been seasoned with some sort of sweet and tangy coloration…" He felt stupid as he realized he was rambling like an idiot in front of a Taller. He trailed off, huffing in frustration at himself.

Purple frowned in thought as he played over the description. "Hm…" He looked to the menu, seeing a picture of the food Skooge spoke up. "I haven't ever had one…" He moved to the server and smiled welcomingly. "Yes, I'd like a frylong, please,"

Skooge's eyes darted back to Purple, surprised the other actually took up his recommendation. He watched as the Taller accepted with a soft "thank you" before taking a bite of the fried food. Skooge held his breath for the other's reaction, relieved when Purple made an approving noise and bit into the food again.

Mouth full, Purple gave a smile and a thumbs up to Skooge before walking off to the infirmary for his training, leaving the Smaller confused as to what the thumping of his cardiac-spooch meant.


Oh snap. 

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