chapter 7

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Narrator's pov*

Zim wasn't particularly hungry, but he made a point to drag Skooge with him to the cafeteria. It wasn't anywhere near as packed as it was before the night-cycle because everyone took the time to keep recharging or just rush off to training. Zim would normally be doing the same, but after what Spork told him yesterday, Zim had a pretty good idea that Red would try and see him again before training. Of course, Skooge had no objection to eating with someone, let alone his roommate, even if Zim wasn't talking that much.

As Zim ripped apart part of a vort dog, chewing on it, he was gazing off into nothingness, his eyes resting on the table's surface between him and Skooge. It was times like this that Zim was especially greatful he was an Elite. He was trained to absorb information and plan accordingly. And he certainly needed to think about what he was going to do about this.

It was surreal...Not that long ago, Zim had never concerned himself with relationships and now he felt torn between two very different Irkens.

Zim frowned. He spared a quick glance to his partner who was blissfully unaware of Zim's inner turmoil, chomping away at his food. For once, Zim actually wished he trusted Skooge with such sensitive information. He needed some insight...

Zim sighed, taking a long sip of his soda. Red was a bit of a jerk, but the crimson-eyed Irken did prove to Zim yesterday that he was capable of listening and helping Zim...even offering public affection, even if the geture was small. And they had something in common: they both loved destruction.

Still...Zim smiled at the thought of the yellow-clad Taller. Spork just made him so happy...And even though Red had attending the Academy with Zim for years, Zim felt like he knew Spork much better. And the Taller listened to him...He made Zim feel...beautiful...

But Red had been one of the few Irkens Zim had ever tried to impress. He couldn't get Red out of his mind!

Zim groaned, pushing his tray away and holding his head in his hands. What on Irk had he gotten himself into? Why was it all so complicated?

Skooge looked in surprise as Zim's current position, curious. "Hey, Zim? You okay?"

"I will be..." Zim muttered. "Hopefully..."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Yes and no," Zim ran his hands over his face, huffing. "I just need to think...Things are getting too muddled..."

"You seemed pretty relaxed before," Skooge pointed out. "Last night you had a smile on your face. What changed?"

Zim frowned, thinking. "Nothing, really...Save for the way I look at things..." He gnawed lightly on the inside of his cheek. "Skooge...Can I ask you something?"


"I know someone who...who..." Zim paused, thinking. "I know someone who...had this...thing. A snack,"

Skooge narrowed an eye, confused. "A...snack?"

"Yeah, a snack," Zim felt stupid, but he couldn't tell Skooge what was really going on. "And he really likes it, but, uh...makes him feel sick sometimes when he's around it," Sick wasn't the right word, but when using snacks instead of Irkens...


"And then there's another snack he just came across...a new one...and it makes him...really happy. He l-...He kinda lo-...He likes it a lot..." Zim blushed, not making eye contact with Skooge, feeling stupid and praying Skooge didn't understand.

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