chapter 4

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I know...I feel bad for torturing Red, but I feel like he kinda deserves it...

here we go~


Narrator's pov*

Red was still upset when he went to go meet Purple at the Medic station, but he wasn't fuming like before. He had decided that it would be no good if he made himself sick with stress and his head was already throbbing from a massive headache. He frowned to himself, quickly reaching his destination. That damn Spork...Red knew the Taller was interested in Zim, but he hadn't thought he'd take Miyuki's place to oversee training. And here Red thought he was safe, figuring that with some distance he could either out-do Spork for Zim's attention by sticking to his plan, or-better yet-the Taller would become preoccupied with some other Irken.

In any case, Red had never been one to believe in bad luck before, but now he was seriously considering it.

"Red!" The crimson-eyed Irken was snapped from his thoughts as Purple ran out of the Medic station towards him, looking frantic. When Purple finally came in front of him, almost plowing into Red more like, Purple's eyes were unfocused, looking everywhere and his hands making all sorts of dramatic gestures as he began talking. "Red! I'm so sorry! I saw Taller Spork! And he spoke to me! And I said some stuff I shouldn't have! At least I don't think I should've said it-"

"Pur, calm down!" Red grabbed his friend by the shoulders, shaking some sense into him. Once Purple took several deep breaths to calm himself, Red continued. "Now, what happened? Did you get harrassed?"

Purple shook his head quickly. "No, nothing like that," he assured. "It's just...Taller Spork recognized me from the ceremony, right? And then I think he knew I was waving at you, because he asked if my friend was also happy I was a Medic and I said your name and let it slip that we were partners and-"

Red narrowed an eye in confusion. "Pur, that's nothing to get excited about. So what if he knows we're partners?"

Purple gnawed on his glove lightly for a moment- a nervous habit he had yet to grow out of- and finally shrugged, letting Red lead him to the cafeteria. "I dunno...It's just that...the way Spork said that it was interesting...It was like he might use the information in some way,"

"I don't see how," Red commented. He remained calm for his friend but mentally he was trying to think of how exactly Spork took the information. Just how would Red being roomed with Purple work to Spork's advantage to get Zim? Red came to the conclusion that it couldn't. It was just Spork taking a special interest in Red's life. Red would have done the same...Getting to know the enemy- the competition- it was an important part of eventually becoming victorious.

"I guess," Purple admitted. "Sorry. I guess I just got a little too freaked out. I normally wouldn't of but after what you said before..." Purple left the rest unsaid, not wanting anyone to evesdrop. The other Elites didn't need to know Red's secret after all. At least not yet.

Red nodded in understanding as they entered the cafeteria together. "He spoke to me, too," Red said. "He complimented my scores and then said it was rude to not turn to address someone when they're talking,"

Purple gawked at his friend. "Oh, Red! You didn't disrespect Taller Spork in front of everyone! Please tell me you didn't!"

Red rolled his eyes. "No one noticed. He didn't make a scene about it. Just said that and then commented that I had an attitude and it was no wonder he wasn't my lover," Red felt his cheeks heat slightly in embarrassment and anger at the memory.

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