chapter 12

244 12 13

[gunna try n quit the pov thing...]



"..." Before Red could ask again, he was stopped by a painful smack to his face, making him wince before placing a hand over the spot discolored in darker green.

"Don't what me!" Purple scolded. "What were you thinking!? Putting the moves on Zim! Honestly, you have to be the biggest pervert!" He openly glared at Red, his arms crossed over his chest. He was currently sitting across from Red on the crimson-eyed pilot's bed, both of them cross-legged.

Red frowned, looking back to his partner. "I keep telling you, it wasn't like that! He wanted a private place to talk so I suggested-"

"Bringing him here to the room to suck face!" Purple went to smack the other again, but this time Red was able to block it.

"I didn't mean for things to go like that," Red clarified, his arms still raised to block any more hits Purple might throw at him. "It's just...he looked so...lost, and-"

"And you took advantage of him!" Purple interrupted. "How could you?!"

Red bit at his lip, not sure how to respond. "I didn't want it to be like that," he said finally. "But isn't it sort of...a good thing I did it?"

"How?! How is it a good thing that Zim might be terrified to be anywhere near you now?!"

"He kissed me back!" Red shouted back.

Purple paused, looking over Red carefully. His glare softened. "What do you mean he kissed you back?"

Red sighed, a bit relieved that Purple was holding his wrath back for the moment. "I mean it like I say it, Pur," Red replied, lowering his arms. "He...kissed me back,"

"But marked Irkens don't kiss others,"

"Zim isn't marked," Red pointed out. Purple's non-existant brow furrowed in confusion at that and Red scowled at the sight. "What? What is that look for?"

"Nothing, just...I didn't figure Spork would let Zim go unmarked if he so interested in him," Purple replied honestly. "I mean, if I was interested in someone and I knew they liked me back, then I'd mate with them as soon as possible,"


Pur shrugged. "What?"

Red looked at his partner oddly. "...Have you...thought about that before?"

Purple narrowed an eye in confusion. "Well...yeah? Why wouldn't I have?"

"...Anyone I know?" Red pressed on, smiling at the fact that Purple had never spoken like this before.

Purple groaned and rolled his eyes. "Red, pay attention. We're talking about Zim and Spork here," Red shook his head, still smiling but let the subject drop. For now. "Getting back on topic, Zim hasn't been marked by Spork. Still doesn't change the fact that you kissed Zim and freaked him out,"

Red's smile left him. Pur was right. "I know...I just...He looked so..." Red huffed. "I screwed up," he admitted finally.

"Yes. Yes you did," Purple confirmed, his tone bland, earning a disgruntled look from Red. "But you might be able to fix it if you quit being stupid,"

"What do you suggest?"

Purple smirked. A look he rarely ever got that made Red a little nervous. "Well for starters, you have to now agree to do whatever I tell you,"


Spork was on edge. It was deep into the night cycle and Zim had yet to seek him out. He wanted to go and find the shorter Irken, but even as Tallest (well, Tallest in training), there were things he refrained against doing. He had wondered for some time if something had happened but quickly dismissed it. The red-eyed Irken wouldn't be dumb enough to do anything to Zim (nothing extreme, anyway). And if Zim had been harmed, Spork was certain that he would have heard about it. From his short time at the station, Spork had found that nothing happened without him hearing about it.

Still...he couldn't help but wonder why Zim hadn't come down his room as he always did. He would definately have to find the other tomorrow...

Maybe he's thinking things over...


Skooge was too scared to recharge. Instead he was nervously sitting on his bed, watching his roommate with worried eyes.

When he had come back from training, he found the room destroyed and Zim already in bed. Though Skooge knew that he and Zim weren't the best or closest of friends, he had been worried about Zim lately. And to come back to the room and see the normally strong Irken like this...Well, needlesstosay, the first thing Skooge did was make sure Zim had his PAK on and was breathing. Really the only thing that was out of place was the dry streams on Zim's cheeks from shed tears.

Honestly that horrified Skooge more than a torn PAK could have.

So now, he was watching the other carefully. He didn't know what made his roommate cry, but he was certain it had something to do with Red or Spork. Maybe both of them.

Skooge hugged his pillow to his chest, making a mental note to talk to Red as soon as he saw him. Then if he couldn't find anything Red did wrong, he would go as far as to talk to Taller Spork.

He gnawed on the inside of his cheek at the fearful thought of having to confront either of the taller Irkens. But if it was for Zim's sake, he could do it.

He glanced back to Zim again, now determined. Whatever- or whoever- hurt Zim, he would find out and try to protect the other.


A little short but i'll make up for it


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