chapter 18

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Before Skooge went to back to his room, he decided to stop by the cafeteria to get something to eat.

He ran his hands over his uniform, feeling tired from taking all the extra precaution to not get it messed up. Skooge sighed in relief as he found the cafeteria almost empty, with only a few tables occupied. A couple Irkens were in line in front of him, giving Skooge time to consider his order.

As he looked over the menu, his lekku perked.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you,"

That was Purple's voice!

Skooge turned and found the taller Irken being harassed by another of almost equal height. Skooge hissed low as his lekku pressed back against his skull. The other Irken was invading Purple's space, a leg propped up on the bench beside the other. Purple was clearly uncomfortable, working to focus on his meal and book. Skooge noted vaguely that Purple was dining on the frylongs Skooge had recommended the cycle before.

The undesired Irken was smirking and spoke up again. "Oh, come on. I know you're the best medic they have. Can't you just take a look?"

Purple fought to keep his composure as he abandoned his meal and stood, his book in hand. "I can't help. It would be inappropriate for a trainee to perform a physical without supervision,"

Physical?! Skooge felt his blood boil at the idea of Purple being forced to see this dirt pile exposed in such a fashion.

As Purple moved to leave, the other grabbed him by the arm, making Purple yelp in surprise. "Ah, come on! Don't be a prude!"

"Let go of me!" Purple hissed.

"Or we can just go someplace private,"

THAT IS IT! Skooge couldn't take it anymore! He grabbed a tray from the stack and flung it, hitting the undesired taller smack in the face and earning a pain yell.

Purple's eyes widened in shock as the other taller let go of his arm to hold his face, a large bruise now forming. He looked over to see where the offending tray had come from and saw Skooge, seething. His teeth were bared, his lekku pressed back, growls ripping from him…. Purple's face flushed. He'd never seen a Smaller like that!

The other taller stomped over to Skooge, the Smaller surprising Purple by not back down, but striding to meet the other, refusing to be intimidated. "What do you think you're doing runt?! This doesn't concern you!"

"He doesn't want your company!" Skooge bit back, venom lacing his normally sweet and submissive voice. Purple shuddered at the sound. What was this?

"And what are you going to do about it?" The other scoffed, giving a superior smirk.

Skooge roared and slammed his head into the other's stomach. When the other doubled over in pain, Skooge gripped the other's head and slammed it into the floor, blood pooling and spattering. All eyes were glued to the scene, unsure whether to stop the fight or cheer. After only four slams, Skooge dropped the other to the floor, letting him cough and whimper in pain. "If you ever touch him again, I will kill you."

Skooge panted as the injured taller picked himself up and rushed from the cafeteria, not wanting to face his public shame. Skooge looked to Purple, wanting to make sure the other was alright. He saw the Taller's face darken and caught the scent of something unfamiliar and alluring, making Skooge blush himself. He opened his mouth to speak but Purple darted from the room without a word.

The Smaller sunk in on himself, ashamed. Now Purple would never respect him...He had lost his control…



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