chapter 3

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*would've already posted earlier but I deleted it deciding, 'no we can do better than that' so here's the revised version...


Narrator's POV *

Spork was beaming as he strode out of the Tech station, keeping himself from running to the research station, where the Scientists were held. Where Zim was held. It became easier to control his behavior when he noted the sound of panic and picking up uneasiness in the air. Curious, Spork strode in and found all the Irkens, including the instructors, all looking to a room held on the far side, all of the rooms made with glass so those in training could be easier to supervise.

The Taller strode in further, smiling as he noted that one of those in the room causing so much distress was his dear Zim, the other Irken with him panicking. Spork moved to stand by the instuctor closest to him and leaned in. "What's all the excitement here?" He questioned quietly.

The instructor in question was lost for words for a moment, his worried gaze still glued to the room with Zim in it. "H-he's...He's a menace, Taller Spork! He-he-he...He wanted to do this experiment with weapon idea and..." Finally giving up on speaking, the instructor merely shook his head, obviously horrified.

Spork narrowed an eye in question, a small amused smile on his face. "I see...I'll just have to take a closer look then," He patted the instructor on the back before striding over, hearing the Irken behind him attempt to protest. Spork stood relatively close to the wall looking in, his hands behind his back as he watched. Zim was focused on his project, looking irritated. Spork perked his lekku, trying to hear what they were saying and wishing he hadn't.


"Oh dear Irk!"

"No, wait! I'm close! I'm swear-"

"I don't care how close you are! You're going to make it expode! I can't take anymore!"

"It'll explode when I say it can! Not before I can-"

"Damnitt! Ziim!"

Zim growled, unhappy as he stormed out of the glass room, now filled with smoke, ripping his protective goggles from his head and turning to glare at the other Irken who was stumbling out. He went over and shoved said Irken, making himself as tall as he could. "You messed with Zim's calculations! If you weren't such a damn coward and tried to 'play it safe', Zim wouldn't have had to try and tweek it last minute! It's not stable when you try to do things all at once like that!"

Zim's lab partner scowled, pushing Zim back and brushing his once pristine labcoat of some access smoke. "If you knew it wouldn't be stable, then why do it?"

"Becuase it is Zim's experiment! Zim tried to fix it!"

"Explosions don't happen when something is fixed!"

"Then how the hell do bombs work!?"

"Whoa, let's calm down now," Zim was about to turn and yell but a small twinge of recognition came over him and he gasped when he saw Taller Spork calmly stepping over. "Now, are you both alright?" The Taller pulled small cloths from the nearby lab table (the kind with wheels so it can be moved) and handed one to the taller Irken first.

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