chapter 17

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When Spork and Zim finally left the Taller's room, Zim was a little disappointed to see Spork covered by his typical white and yellow robe. As exposed as Spork was, Zim had now grown used to seeing the other much more bare. Still, his insides buzzed as Spork had given him something other than his own uniform to wear. He had instead given Zim a crisp white outfit that had yellow on the trim and shoes, so the Smaller matched him.

Spork had claimed it was so if anyone saw Zim, they would know he was busy with accompanying the Taller's overseeing. "I don't want one of your instructors to bother us while we make rounds," he had stated matter-of-factly. But the smile Spork had given when he first saw Zim in the attire made the petite Irken think there was some other reason behind it as well.

He grinned, humming happily as he sank in step beside the Taller as they oversaw the trainees. Zim held back the purring threatening to erupt from him as he felt curious eyes take in the sight of the two together. There were many times as they strode through the halls that he felt envy practically radiate from his comrades.

They first stopped in the farthest station: pilot training.

Zim hadn't really been given much to do aside from just accompanying Spork, so he didn't bother asking questions or engaging with the instructors or trainees. He just looked about, curious. He wondered what sort of training setup his comrades had. He hummed quietly in thought as his lekku perked, taking in the humming and beeping from the simulators. His gaze found his partner Skooge sitting at one of the machines and he took in the sight of the other in such a sophisticated environment. It was odd to see his laid-back partner with such an intense setting. And from what Zim could see of Skooge's screen, the other was excelling in his training.

Zim smiled. It looked like Skooge had made an effort to clean up his uniform, too. He wondered what influenced the change.

"Coming, Dear Zim?"

"Yes, Taller Spork!" Zim replied quickly, smiling as he followed the Taller out and missing that Skooge's attention had been caught just in time to see Zim and Spork together.

Skooge would have choked if he had been drinking something.


The next station was medical.

Zim was not surprised at how sterile it was. The stress in the air was almost enough to chew on with various Irkens rushing about as they ran through tests and trials to work on cases from sickness to fatal injury.

Zim narrowed an eye in confusion. It looked almost like Irkens here were ranked based on what cases they could handle, with the easiest being in the front of the facility and the more difficult being led to the back.

So that could explain why I don't see Purple… He's surely more advanced. Zim smiled softly to himself at the thought of Purple in this field. He knew it was the other's dream to spend his life helping people. He could just picture them all being on the battlefield. Red would be a talented pilot who got hurt in some crossfire, and Purple would be the one to mend him up, scolding the crimson-eyed comrade for his recklessness.

With Purple's big heart, Zim couldn't help but worry that Purple would settle for someone undeserving of him.

His thoughts were pushed back when Spork announced they had to report to the research facility.


The research station was deathly quiet when Zim and Spork entered, with his comrades working desperately to not look over at him. Zim could almost feel the sweat on his own skin and it made him grimace at the discomfort.

Due to the small amount of Irkens in research, the visit there was quicker, making the Smaller relieved.


"Thank you for allowing me to do your rounds with you," Zim gushed when they arrived at the Taller's room.

Spork smiled. "You're certain you don't want to stay for a while?"

Zim blushed. "I've been far from my room long enough. I'll be sure to come back tomorrow to dine with you again, though,"

"Sounds lovely," Spork bent to take Zim's hand and place a gentle kiss upon the gloved surface, taking delight in the white gloves rather than the typical black Zim normally was stuck wearing.

Zim bit back a delighted giggle. "Have a restful cycle, Spork." He waved shyly at the Taller as he darted off, his insides fluttering with happiness. Spork watched him disappear down the hall with a chuckle. He had never had so much fun attending to his duties as he had today with ZIm by his side. He knew that Zim still had a lot on his mind, but he was content. Even if the Smaller didn't choose him, he would be able to live the rest of his life with the joy of having known the pink-eyed Irken's love.


Red groaned as he stretched. It was so annoying that they didn't have the ability to bathe anywhere other than their assigned rooms! Now he had to trudge all the way back reeking of sweat, his off-duty attire sticking to him in a disgusting fashion.

He nabbed a towel and hung it by his neck, running one end over his face in an attempt to ease the irritating feeling on his face.

He had been happy hardly anyone used the weight training room late in the work-cycle, so he had eventually been able to rid himself of his long sleeve red shirt that had been paired with the long black pants and boots. He had stripped off the shirt, leaving the off-white sleeveless monstrosity underneath. He hated being so exposed out of his rooms, but as it was meal time, he hadn't bothered putting the confining attire back on over his sweaty form. It's not like anyone would see him on the short trip to his room anyway.


He spoke too soon. Red felt a growl rumble through his chest as he turned to face the offender that bumped into him, calming at the sight of Zim. "Zim! How come you're not in the cafeteria?"

Zim opened his mouth to answer but his words were caught at the sight of Red. His face turned a deep purple in embarrassment and arousal. He had never seen Red so… bare! He wasn't as exposed as Spork normally was, as he still had gloves on and his chest was covered, but those arms… Zim bit back a whimper as he felt that slickness again, making him squirm. What was happening to him?!

"Zim?" Red spoke up, concern lacing his voice.

Zim eeped. "E-excuse me!" He ran as fast as he could the rest of the way to his room, rushing past Red.

Red almost dashed after the Smaller Irken, irritation seeping into him again at the sight of the clothing Zim wore. But as Zim passed him, his lekku hummed and his senses were filled with a pleasant aroma that had him sweat for an entirely different reason. Blushing, Red hurried to his own room, thinking it best to not be close to the other until he got control of himself.

Maybe less clothes isn't so bad after all…



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