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Soonyoung shouldered off his bag onto his bed, sighing in relief. It almost felt like he was taking off all of his burdens- almost. He knew he still had homework to do and an essay he should really look over, but it was a Friday night and he really just wanted to kick back and relax. But he didn't want to do it alone.

"Minghao! Let's go out tonight!" He whined, staring across the room to where his roomate sat. He glanced up from his textbook, not at all in the mood to go out.

"I've got a test on Monday." Minghao countered, looking back at his textbook.. Soonyoung pouted, rushing over to him and snatching the book out of his hands. "Hey!" He shouted, lunging forward for his book. "Give it back."

"Oh come on, it's one night, you've still got the entire weekend to study. Can't you please just go out with me this one night?!" He pleaded, determined to get his fun night out even if it meant dragging Minghao out by the legs. Minghao huffed, knowing full well that Soonyoung would convince him one way or another. He crossed his arms, caving.

"Fine, but you have to help me study tomorrow." Soonyoung was content with the offer, nodding as he smiled wide. "And buy me lunch." Damn was Minghao sneaky.

An hour later, the pair was ready for a night on the town, going downtown to the club. Ever since Soonyoung was of age, he went out clubbing, the dance floor always a much needed escape. He hadn't gotten to do a lot of dancing since the semester started. Minghao liked to dance too, but he was more tame about it, only really dancing until after a few drinks flood his body. Soonyoung was practically a dancing machine from the second he entered the club, heavy bass flooding his system.

"I'm going to get a drink." Minghao shouted over the music, already making a beeline to the bar. Soonyoung went straight to the middle of the dance floor, letting the music carry through him and his dancing. He let his hips run wild, arms raised as the beat dropped. His heart was already thumping and they had just arrived. It was going to be a great night.

Time ceased to exist while he was on the floor, and the more he danced the less awareness he had of his surroundings, it wasn't until he felt a pair of hands on his waist that he was brought back, turning to see the culprit. He was then face to face with a short boy, black hair falling in his eyes as his gaze pierced Soonyoung. Soonyoung was entranced by his very hard gaze, hips slowing on their own accord. The boy smirked, moving closer.

"Don't wanna dance?" The boy said, voice airy and light for someone with such a cold stare. Soonyoung finally noticed he had stopped moving, starting to sway again. He did want to dance with the boy in front of him, he wanted to dance a lot. The boy chuckled, bringing Soonyoung in even closer. "I like the way you dance." He complimented, eyes doing a onceover of his body. Soonyoung flushed, not really good with appraisal. It had been a long time since someone liked the way he danced, heck it'd been a long time since he danced with someone. The boy was very adamant about seeing more of his moves, moving along to the beat as Soonyoung tried to do. He was feeling even more shy as he kept meeting the guy's gaze, him seemingly wanting to eat Soonyoung alive. It was too much for him and he hadn't even had anything to drink. "You here alone?" It was almost like magic, Minghao finding him at that exact moment.

"It's getting late. We should go." He whispered into his ear, eyes raking over the short boy. "He's not coming back with you." The comment caused Soonyoung to blush, thumping the boy's side before leaving the shorter boy's grip. The short boy was disappointed.

"I have to get back, my roommate will have a fit if I don't." He smiled apologetically and left without another glance, sad himself that he never even got the boy's name.

Play it Cool - SoonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now