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Pouring rain drowned out the muted conversations of the library, Soonyoung still finding it hard to concentrate. He'd been in the library for over four hours. His neck was starting to hurt and his back felt sore from being bent over the desk. He figured the rain wasn't going to let up anytime soon, so he tightly packed his books in his book bag, sighing as he neared the door. He really should have grabbed an umbrella that morning. He had noted the gray skies, but didn't think it would actually rain until he saw droplets of water hitting the pavement. He ran to the library for cover, but the rain only seemed to get worse.

He was ready to book it across campus to his dorm, even prepared for the short amount of time he'd be under the harsh spray of water the second he stepped outside. It never came, though. An umbrella was above him, covering him from the rain he had so wanted to avoid. He looked to his right to see one of Jihoon's sidekicks. On his left was the other. Jihoon was nowhere in sight. "What, no Jihoon today?" Jun spoke up.

"He had some business to attend to." Soonyoung began to walk, the ever so loyal companions following suit.

"And what, he asked you to protect me from the rain? What if I had an umbrella already?" It was Wonwoo's turn to speak.

"He actually had a request for you." Wonwoo cleared his throat. "As he so eloquently put it, would you like to 'hang out' with him on Saturday?" Soonyoung cackled.

"He really said that?"

"His exact words were actually, 'would you accompany me on Saturday' but I figured that sounded a little too posh." Wonwoo concluded.

"It does." Soonyoung agreed. He didn't have any pending plans and he made them aware of it.

"I'll let him know you agreed."

There was still a good distance to go before they reached his dorm and Soonyoung was curious how much these guys knew about Jihoon. "How long have you worked for Jihoon?"

"Pretty much since we were born." Wonwoo admitted, Jun shushing him immediately.

"That's not really much of your concern." Jun told him, resuming their quiet walk. Soonyoung pouted, resigning himself to the little information he squeezed out of them.

Later that night, his phone rang. A pang of anxiety ran through him as he saw the caller ID. He cleared his throat to answer. "Hello?"

"In regards to Saturday..." Jihoon sounded so sultry on the phone, Soonyoung gulping at how much he liked it. "I thought maybe you'd want to choose what we do."

"I get to choose?"

"So you're comfortable." There wasn't really anything Soonyoung could think of doing for some reason.

"How about watching a movie?"

"Whatever you want." Something about that statement had Soonyoung feeling some type of way and he gulped again as he nodded- belatedly realizing he couldn't be seen.

"Then a movie it is." Jihoon asked him a bit more about his day, but when Soonyoung tried to ask him about his, he told him he should get some sleep and wished him a goodnight. Soonyoung was disappointed, still unaware of what reasons Jihoon had to be so secretive. If he was really trying to win his heart, he'd allow himself to be open about who he was as a person. But there didn't seem to be much he could do on that prospect for the time being, so he settled with just being happy he could wear whatever he wanted on Saturday.

They agreed to meet at the theater, Soonyoung having some things to do before the actual movie. He arrived a few minutes late, noting that Jihoon must have been early as he was waiting in the lounge area of the theater. He wasn't wearing a suit- much more relaxed today than any other day Soonyoung happened upon him. Even their first encounter, he had been wearing a silk shirt, tight trousers adorning his short legs. Today, though, he was wearing jeans and lavender button down. He was still somewhat focused on his appearance, but Soonyoung could see his effort to dress down and he smiled warmly when their eyes met.

"What movie did you want to see?" Jihoon asked as they scanned over the movie titles. Soonyoung hadn't thought that far and personally didn't have a preference. He saw an ad for some detective movie and pointed to that one. "I'll buy the tickets." Sonyoung stopped him.

"You don't have to."

"I want to." Once paid for, the four of them step inside the correct showing room for the movie. It was starting to become very apparent that no matter where Jihoon went, at least two men followed. And Soonyoung was curious.

"Why do you need people to follow you around?" He whispered, ads still playing since the movie they were going to watch didn't start for a while.


"So they're bodyguards?" Jihoon's features twisted as he thought about the words.

"More or less." Soonyoung didn't like how open-ended his answer was and tried to press for more.

"But why do you need them?" A part of him was trying to see whether or not he would admit to being a gang leader. In their time together, he had yet to admit to anything relating to his profession He wondered why that was. Jihoon made eye contact, weary expression on his face.

"I don't think this is the place to talk about it."

"But you'll explain it to me, right? After?" Reluctance on Jihoon's part, but Soonyoung pouted and Jihoon breathed out.

"Alright." Soonyoung doesn't focus on the movie, mind running a mile a minute with every type of scenario that could occur once it was over. He worried slightly that Jihoon would make up an excuse to leave and he'd be just as lost as he had been from the start. But the rolling credits come along and Jihoon was firm in his seat, waiting until the lights turn back on before he stood. Soonyoung followed after him, the silence a little nerving. Jihoon walked with languid steps, inspecting the area. It wasn't until they're outside that he spoke. "This place is too crowded, we're going somewhere with less people."

They drive for what seemed like hours, Soonyoung all the more impatient. It was really only a half hour before they were in front of a building, iron gates halting them from entering. A guard stood in front of them, sunglasses covering the finer details of his face. He onced over Jihoon and Soonyoung, seeming to linger on Soonyoung. "He's okay." Jihoon told him and he called out, the gates opening. A long driveway later, they stood in front of what Soonyoung can only classify as a mansion. "Follow me." Soonyoung could get lost in a place like this, especially with the amount of turns they've made as they strode through the building.

"Do you live here?" He eventually pried, beginning to see hints of the man with every step. A few pictures adorned the walls and something about the house just seemed to reflect Jihoon back at Soonyoung. They reached the kitchen, modern and artistic with white granite and metal cabinets. Jihoon put on a kettle, his men nowhere to be seen. "Where'd the bodyguards go?"

"To answer your previous question, I do live here. As this is my home, I feel no need for my men to lurk around. They're allowed to roam free until I leave again." Soonyoung nodded, watching the way Jihoon carried himself in his place of residence. He was comfortable, shoulders relaxed and pace not as apprehensive. He allowed himself to be pleasant, not stone cold as he made tea for Soonyoung. He placed the tea cup in front of him with a smile, one Soonyoung returned.

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