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News travelled fast, Jihoon at the point of rage throwing a table when he saw Jun without Soonyoung. His men were already on the move, tracking Soonyoung through the dog tags Jihoon had given him. They weren't just symbolic of his claim. They revealed where Soonyoung was at all times. Currently, he was on the bad side of town, Jihoon recognizing the area right away. "Call Baekho, we need to talk."

Almost an hour later, Jihoon stepped through a dark alleyway, men in tow as he neared the space claiming to house Soonyoung. They heard a rustle. His men reacted fast. Seungcheol held a knife against the neck of one of Baekho's men. "I'd think it's best you keep me alive. I'm the only one who knows where your boy is." Jihoon snapped, Seungcheol stepping away. "Aren't playing fair are we?"

"Cut that crap, you've been playing dirty since the day you were born." Minhyun shrugged, unbothered.

"You aren't wrong. Bending the rules is a lot more fun." He should of seen it coming. Had the forethought that this may have been a trap. It was a bloodbath, men piling in to outrank Jihoon's. They fought, fought hard because Soonyoung still needed to be found. Minhyun laughed evilly. "Baekho wasn't kidding when he said you loved that boy." Jihoon acted on impulse, throwing himself forward without restraint. If he wasn't going to play fair, it was only in Jihoon to do the same. He kicked, punched, even went as far as biting. Minhyun cried out, slumping to the ground in pain. "You little-" He recovered fast, pulling a gun. Everyone seemed to freeze, noticing the big showdown. "Don't think I have it in me?" This was life they were playing with and Jihoon could only do so much.

"Of course you do. You're the reason my father's dead." A hint of recognition flashed across his face, Jihoon taking the opportunity to kick the weapon out of his hand. He pulled his own gun, aiming it right for Minhyun's forehead. "I can't believe I trusted you." Minhyun had been the reason his father lied six feet underground. He had pulled the trigger. It was confirmed, not only by a witness, but by some of Baekho's men. Now before him stood his father's killer and he was ready for revenge. "He deserves justice."

"He deserved pain. You don't know as much as you think you do" Jihoon's teeth gritted. He was seconds away from first degree murder.

"Tell me what I'm missing then, huh!? What is it that I don't know?" Minhyun zipped his lips. That action was not helping him in any way. "Fine, keep tight lipped. No matter what, it's your blood on the line not mine." He loaded the gun, firmly set in putting a bullet through his head. Seconds before he could pull the trigger, Baekho arrived.

"My, my are we ferocious." He had his hands in the air, signaling he wasn't armed. Men followed him though, Jihoon knowing they carried one no matter what. "Not even going to let my man talk."

"I gave him the chance, he resisted." Baekho smiled, coming closer. He went to stand beside Minhyun.

"That's my boy." Mihyun beamed up at him and for a split second, Jihoon felt remorse. "If you plan on killing him, you'll have to kill me first." He stepped forward, forehead right at the barrel of the gun. "Go on, kill me. I know you want to . . ." The playful taunt had Jihoon seething and he shot- "What was that a warning shot?" Baekho was smirking, reveling in the fact that as cold hearted as Jihoon was, he had a soft spot. Especially when it came to love. "Admit it, you just want to know where Soonyoung is. You never meant to kill us."

"Where is he! WHERE IS HE?!?" Baekho laughed, clapping his hands as men dumped a metal cage on the ground. A second glance showed that Soonyoung was in it. "Soonyoung . . ." His voice was just above a whisper, gun dropping as he went to his side. Soonyoung cried out.

"NO!, Don't! This is what they want- "

"Hey, Jihoon. Say hi to your father for me." Bang. His life flashed before his eyes. When he was young, when his father died, when he met Soonyoung. It all flooded his vision, right before the world went black.

Baekho was long gone, leaving only Jihoon's men to carry off Jihoon's body to safety. Jun broke open the cage, Soonyoung a sunken mess beside Jihoon as he lay lifeless in his arms. "This wasn't supposed to happen." He wailed, fingers tracing the curve of Jihoon's lips. "You were supposed to be okay. You can't leave me now. I-I love you . . ." Jun had helped him up, had let the others circle around Jihoon and heave him to the car. He looked so pale as they carried him away, almost peaceful. Soonyoung cried harder. "I love you!" He shouted, like it would make things better, like it had some sort of magical healing power. He wanted it to. He wanted Jihoon to be okay.

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