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The next morning, Soonyoung wasn't sure what to expect now living with Jihoon. He sure wasn't ready for the already prepared breakfast that waited for him and Minghao as they entered the dining area.

"Don't get used to this." Jihoon said, already seated at the table. "This only happens on special occasions." Plates of pancakes waited for them, Soonyoung scarfing them down with earnest.

"You sure know how to treat a guest." Minghao commented, licking syrup of her finger. "This could honestly pass as a hotel."

"Hospitality is one of my specialties." Minghao's eyes bugged out.

"You mean to tell me you own hotels!?" Jihoon chuckled, simply nodding. "That's incredible! Soon, you never told me he was loaded!" Soonyoung choked on orange juice. "Though, I guess the life of a gangster has it's commodities." Soonyoung wiped his mouth, glaring daggers at his best friend.

"It does." Jihoon confirmed, easy smile slipping onto his face. "Now, there's something I should tell you, before you two leave here today." In an instant, his two men stood beside him. "I'm handing over my men to the two of you. They are my most trusted confidants, they'll protect you with their life." They bowed, flanking over to their sides. Jun stood with Minghao, while Wonwoo went Soonyoung's side.

"What about your safety?" Soonyoung asked, concerned.

"That's easy." Two new men entered, both with very dark, nearly black hair. Their faces were serious as they regarded the group. "Meet Mingyu and Seokmin. They're highly qualified to stand in for my men." Another bow as they introduced themselves.

"We'll take great care of Jihoon." Mingyu affirmed.

A half hour later, the pair arrived at school, but not before Soonyoung had stolen one long kiss from Jihoon. "Be careful, please." He nodded.

Minghao kept glancing behind himself, watching as Jun and Wonwoo followed closely. "I can't believe he's having people tail us." Minghao whispered, eyes trailing Jun as they walked some more. "Though, I will admit, having the hunky bodyguard is of great reassurance." Soonyoung rolled his eyes.

"Stop drooling, he'll notice"

"Maybe I want him too." Soonyoung cackled, sometimes his best friend was something else.

"Do you think we'll really be alright?" Soonyoung voiced, for the first time admitting that he was scared of what could happen. Minghao seemed to think about it, tilting his head in consideration.

"I don't know, honestly. There's a lot about him I don't know. I'm sure there are things you don't know either. Being in this mystery only adds to an illusion." Minghao stopped, Soonyoung not far behind. "I don't want to scare you, but I think you should be prepared for anything." Soonyoung took his own fleeting glance at his new security guards, the men attentive to their every move.

"Okay, okay. You're right. I should just be ready for whatever gets thrown at me. I can do that."

It's not that hard to get accustomed to the security that followed them around. For the most part, they stick to themselves, only ever showing face when they came to and from school. No one particularly took notice. They were shadows, meant to follow. And even though Soonyoung never felt great danger, he found comfort in knowing there was someone lurking around, assuring that he was always safe.

"How's Wonwoo doing?" Jihoon asked one night, Soonyoung having snuck into his study to see him after he had finished his essay.

"Well, I think. He never really says." Jihoon chuckled, atesting to how reserved Wonwoo was.

"Probably because you don't ask."

"Can I? I mean I just assumed he wouldn't tell me." Jihoon frowned, closing the folder he had been hunched over for the last hour.

"They can be intimidating, but they're real softies at heart."

"Like you?" Soonyoung tried, feeling a hint of pride at the soft smiled that Jihoon graced him with.

"Who says I'm soft?" He left his chair, huddling in close to where Soonyoung sat. "I'm a troubled man." Soonyong wrapped his arms around his waist, pressing his face into Jihoon's abdomen.

"No matter how troubled you are, all I see is a big softie." Jihoon loosened his grip, bending down to sneak a peck.

"Maybe for you." That warmed Soonyoung, feeling like he was the only one ever allowed to see this side of Jihoon. The more time they spent together, the more Soonyoung warmed up to him, the more he felt himself falling. Jihoon seemed so cold before, so formal. With everyday they spent together, Soonyoung was seeing different sides to Jihoon. He was still stupidly formal, but he was sweet and sometimes he smiled and it made Soonyoung all the more lovestruck. But even with the vast progress, Jihoon still failed to mention his job to him. They talked about other things, surface level things. Jihoon never disclosed specific information. Soonyoung thought there was still a wall, still something preventing him from telling him all about himself. Though he didn't mind it at first, the more Soonyoung found himself falling, the more he wished to know. He wanted Jihoon to trust him, to tell him all about his life. But maybe, it wasn't the right time.

Thursday morning felt really weird. Jihoon had rushed out the door without a goodbye, Wonwoo assuring Soonyoung there was nothing to worry about. However, Jihoon failed to return home and Soonyoung was more worried when he sat by his door, the clock ticking away and still no Jihoon. If it were normal business he was attending to, he would have told Soonyoung, but he hadn't said a word, much less called him. Soonyoung was nodding off by the door, the time well past midnight now. He was scared.Not knowing where Jihoon was frightened him.

"Soonyoung?" Wonwoo stood over him with a worried expression.

"Hey, is Jihoon here yet?" Wonwoo shook his head, sad smile taking over his face.

"I don't think he'll be returning tonight."

"Why not? Is he okay?" It hurt Soonyoung to think he didn't know, wasn't aware. It seemed like Wonwoo knew, like he was told about whatever it was that Jihoon was doing. He felt left out and he felt tears pricking his eyes, a sniffle making Wonwoo bend down to pat his knee.

"He's fine, really. Go get some sleep." Wonwoo nodded over his shoulder and with a great sigh, Soonyoung stood up, going off to his room but not once having it in him to fall asleep. He tossed and turned, crazy scenarios running rampid in his thoughts. The moment he closed his eyes was the moment his nightmares started and he felt helpless, sitting against his headboard as he tried to think of something to do to calm him. Jihoon? The white screen taunted him, long minutes stretching out before it was suddenly morning and he still had no answer. Minghao knocked on the door.

"You have twenty minutes before we have to leave!" He shouted through the door, not waiting for a reply. Soonyoung sagged further against his bed, not at all wanting to go to class. Still, school would probably be a heavy distraction so he threw on some sweats and called himself ready.

The school day dragged on, Soonyoung straining to stay awake with every lecture. He might have dozed off in his culture studies, body catching up to mind. He was exhausted, all he wanted to do was sleep. Sleep, however, wouldn't come if he still didn't know where Jihoon was. He stole a glance at his phone screen which still had no new messages. He wanted to cry.

Soon, he was back to being pathetic against Jihoon's door, Minghao watching him worriedly. "You're just worrying yourself sick." Minghao was right, of course Soonyoung was just too tied up in Jihoon's well being and he wasn't sleeping and he felt stressed. But the point of the matter was that Jihoon still wasn't home and he couldn't do anything about it. So he sat, Minghao letting him be, only coming around to drop off some soup and crackers. "Eat, you need some strength." He was grateful for Minghao and he ate in silence, watching the clock with half hearted expectations. Jun found him that night and he sat with him for some time, Soonyoung feeling less hopeless with someone beside him.

"Do you know where he went?" He asked, hoping to be told, to let in on the secret. Jun remained silent, Soonyoung settling with the fact that he'd just never be informed.

"I do and I also know he's okay. Trust me, you don't need to wait here for him." Those were only words, only words to ease him. Soonyoung wanted to see it himself, wanted to see Jihoon in front of him. He didn't like hearing only affirmations. He wanted to see, seeing is believing. So, he didn't move, not even when Jun tried to take him to his own bed. He kicked and pushed and Jun eventually let him be, promising him again that Jihoon was okay.

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