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"Are you finally going to tell me about yourself?" Soonyoung had waited it out, drinking a cup of tea with Jihoon with no intention of speaking until spoken to. But, Jihoon let the calm drag out and Soonyoung just wanted answers.

"What would you like to know?"

"Who are you?" It seemed fitting. The question encompassed all that Soonyoung wished to know. Who exactly was this man before him?

"I've told you my name, you could have Googled me." Soonyoung shook his head, unsatisfied.

"The internet wouldn't be accurate. I want to hear your version, how you make yourself up to be." Jihoon crossed his arms, seemingly happy with Soonyoung's statement. He wanted the real him, not the stories.

"I was born into the life I live now." He started. "My father was the gang leader before me, and his father before him. Growing up, I knew I would always take over the business, there was no ifs, ands, or buts. My father had me in training since I was old enough to speak. I was studying languages before high school. Combat training was everyday- after school. My wardrobe was often picked out for me, I had a standard to abide by. And I didn't mind. I liked the way our family lived, I liked the riches and the service and the way everything just conformed to the finer details. No matter what I wanted, I could have it." His eyes landed on Soonyoung, studying him with an intensity the made the boy flush. "You're a different story though."

"I think you were the first person to ever turn me down."

"I never turned-"

"You were going to." Sheepish, Soonyoung stared at the counter. He wasn't wrong.

"Most people are easily persuade by my charm." Now he wanted to be cocky, Soonyoung crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah, we'll I'm not most people." Jihoon laughed, hearty and soft simultaneously

"I can see that." Jihoon's eyes raked over Soonyoung's face again, Soonyoung doing the same. He found it so odd that even after hearing Jihoon's life story- or the basic gist of it- he wanted to hear more, he wanted to know everything about the man that stood before him and it almost scared him. Because Jihoon was a gang leader. His life was dangerous. "Did I answer your question?" Soonyoung nodded

"Can I ask more questions?"

"Another day, it's getting rather late. I should take you home." Stubbornly, Soonyoung almost said no. But then he'd be stuck with Jihoon and that might just be too much for one night. So, he begrudgingly stepped off the stool he was sat in and followed Jihoon back out the front door. His men were there in a matter of seconds, seemingly appearing out of thin air. "Wonwoo accompany him home."

"Wait, you're not coming with me?" Jihoon shook his head, frown adorning his face.

"Afraid I can't, I have a matter I need to attend to before it gets too late." He grabbed Soonyoung's hand, placing a gentle kiss to his knuckles. "I'll call you for our next rendezvous." He waved them off and Soonyoung watched as Jihoon's home faded into view. He sighed in his seat, still interested in Jihoon's life. There was still so much he wanted to ask and-

An idea struck him as he watched a very serious Wonwoo opposite of him. "So you've known Jihoon your whole life?" Without Jun, maybe Wonwoo would let some things slip.

Wonwoo regarded him with a raised brow, "That's correct."

"How much do you know about him?" Wonwoo could see what Soonyoung was trying to do and he rolled his eyes at the boy.

"Enough to still be around." He pointed a slender finger at him. "Don't think I can't see what you're doing. I have nothing else to say, so I hope you'll stay quiet." Well it was worth a shot.

Minghao wasn't home when Soonyoung arrived and he felt all the more lonely in their shared dorm as he collapsed onto his bed. His and Jihoon's conversation played over and over again in his mind, stuck on his words.

No matter what I wanted, I could have it.

Now that was a spoiled rich kid if Soonyoung had ever seen one, but something about his tone didn't imply that he got it with little effort and it made Soonyoung all the more worried about how far Jihoon was willing to go for Soonyoung to date him. Well, if they weren't already. They'd gone out two times now, was that considered dating? It had been so long since Soonyoung last had a boyfriend, he can't even recall the basic things. Was he already Jihoon's boyfriend? No, that was for sure. Jihoon was still trying to woo him. It felt a little odd, to say the least, how well mannered Jihoon was about their dates. He hasn't even gone in for a kiss. And maybe Soonyoung was a little disappointed. He kind of wanted to see what he tasted like, how good of a kisser the man was. At that thought, Soonyoung shouted out of complete surprise.

It hadn't dawned on him before, these thoughts of kissing Jihoon. Now here his mind was, conjuring up a fantasy of those pretty pink lips and Soonyoung groaned, ashamed of his thoughts. Minghao told him to be careful and here he was falling for this man, this man that he still had so much to learn about.

Knowing he wouldn't get much sleep, he turned on his desk lamp. Maybe he could study to distract himself.

Soonyoung got a few texts from Jihoon in the following week, none of which an invitation out. He asked about his day and about his classes and even a few random questions, but not once had he made a plan to hang out again. Soonyoung was feeling a little more than hurt since he was starting to think Jihoon lost interest in him.

"Maybe it was for the better," Minghao offered, staring at his sullen friend with a frown. "You know his life is risky."

"Maybe." Soonyoung wasn't convinced though and he sat with his head pressed into a plushie, somehow willing his phone to ring or do something. Today was the worst, Jihoon not having once texted him. His heart was breaking at nothing, since really they were nothing. Maybe Jihoon had gotten bored, had found someone who couldn't resist his charm. A whine left Soonyoung's lips and he buried himself more into the bed wishing he could just forget about it.

He doesn't know when he fell asleep, but he knew he was awake now, the sound of his cell phone stirring him from his sleep. He hastily reached for it, mind catching up and wondering if it could be Jihoon.


"How are you, Soonyoung?" A sense of relief washed over him at the sound of his voice, not understanding why he had been so desperate to hear him in the first place.

"I'm doing okay." Jihoon hummed, shifting on the other line.

"How are classes?" It's not to say that he didn't appreciate when Jihoon asked him about school, but he was restless to see him.

"When can I see you again?" That must have surprised Jihoon because he was silent for a long moment. Soonyoung almost worried he'd hung up the phone.

"I'm out of town right now." He informed and Soonyoung felt his shoulders fall. "I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Did you want to do something then?"

"Yes!" It was a bit too over excited and he could tell Jihoon noticed because he was chuckling on the other end.

"I'll meet you tomorrow then." And the line went dead. Soonyoung couldn't be bothered about not saying goodbye, he'd get to see the real thing tomorrow anyway.

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