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Soonyoung was more than happy to be out with Jihoon. However, he sensed something wrong the minute they were in the car, even more now as Jihoon quietly ate his steak. Soonyoung reached for his hand, trying to be of some comfort.

"Is everything okay? You seem more distant today?" Jihoon merely smiled, the feeling never reaching his eyes. Soonyoung tried again. "You know you can talk to me. About anything." Jihoon still held back. He hardly ever mentioned what he did with his days, but they were closer now, much closer than before and maybe Soonyoung had broken some walls.

"Don't fret, it's nothing you must worry over. I've got it under control." Soonyoung knew he was lying. He still kept up those walls. He wished Jihoon wouldn't.

Back home, Jihoon pulled him into his room. It was a matter of seconds before they were kissing, all tongue and teeth with Soonyoung pushed against the wall. Soonyoung knew he was trying to distract himself. And he was gonna let Jihoon use him. Because he didn't know what else to do.

Days went by in the same manner, Jihoon caught up in his musings all while letting off steam with Soonyoung at night. Soonyoung was more than worried, losing sleep as he thought about what could possibly be bothering his boyfriend. He knew something was up and he needed to know what it was.

"How about some more training today?" Soonyoung asked Wonwoo. He was sitting at the kitchen table, eyes flickering briefly to Soonyoung.

"I'm a bit busy at the moment."

"You guys have been really busy these days. Why is that?" His attempt at small talk made Wonwoo drop the papers he was reading.

"It's for a confident matter that you don't need to trouble yourself over. Why don't you find Jun? He might be willing to help." Soonyoung pouted. He knew trying to get information from him was a long shot, but it didn't mean it would stop him from trying.

"Can't you tell me anything? Jihoon has been distraught about this for days! I just want to help."

"You can help by staying out of it. The less you know, the safer you are." Soonyoung just about had it with the mystery. He sighed in frustration.

"Fine. If I'm not needed here, I'm going out."

"Take Jun with you! You're safer in numbers!" Soonyoung was too angry to abide by his words. He grabbed his coat and stormed off, leaving the house on his own.

He found himself at the campus coffee house, milling over beverages as people side eyed him for halting the line.

"Sir, if you aren't ready to order-"

"Give me a minute." People groaned behind him and he finally chose at random, hating himself for being so worked up. He sat at the nearest table and checked his phone. It was silly to think Jihoon would notice his disappearance. If anything, he was probably glad he was out of his hair. Soonyoung felt so incompitent when it came to helping Jihoon. He had no idea what to do to help and it saddened him- to think he was just there, existing without purpose. Maybe not without purpose. He served as distraction. He was tired of only being a distraction.

When his order was called, he went to grab his drink, only for another hand to grab it first. "Oh, I'm sorry." The man said, sweet smile as he retracted his hand. "We must have ordered the same thing." Soonyoung nodded awkwardly, thinking the man was very strange. He was sure they called his name, not the drink order.

"Yeah, sorry." He finally had the coffee in his hands and when he tried to leave, the man stepped closer. "Um-"

"This might seem very forward of me, but you're really handsome." Soonyoung faltered, mouth shutting as he felt embarrassment claw at him. He went to look at the man before him, all light skin and wavy inked hair. He seemed to be blushing. "Oh, I shouldn't have said that. You must think I'm really-"

"It's alright. Thank you I- I should get going." He bowed quickly and ran the other way, wanting to leave the coffee shop. He thought he was in the clear once outside, but the man was still behind him.

"You're Soonyoung, right?" The man was really starting to freak Soonyoung out. How did he know his name? "We have Economics together." The sense of dread that had come over him eased at the mention of a class. So they shared a class. That made sense right? He turned to look at him again, finding his face was still unfamiliar. "Mr. Min, room 204?" That was indeed his class, but still the face before him was not one he recognized. "It's alright if you don't know me. I tend to sleep in his class." Shyly, he rubbed at the back of his neck. He appeared less threatening in that way. Soonyoung's quickened heart rate was becoming more stable.

"Ah, might explain things." He had no idea what this man wanted. All Soonyoung wanted was to leave. "I really should go, I have someone waiting for me." The man's demeanor changed and he went rigid. Soonyoung felt his heart rate picking up again.

"My apologies. Don't want to keep them waiting." His gaze tried to be light, but Soonyoung could tell he was nervous. He gave the man a final smile before jogging away far enough where he was no longer in the other man's line of vision.

Paranoia came creeping in and Soonyoung felt all the more stupid for not listening to Wonwoo's words.

"Ah!!!" He shouted when a hand clamped down on his shoulder. He was quick to react, doing the move Wonwoo had showed him when they were in training. The man that looked up at him was Jun. He groaned.

"Guess that training wasn't for nothing." He stood up, shaking his shoulders. "Might want to try it on someone else."

"I thought you were someone else." Soonyoung mumbled and Jun gave him a questioning look.

"Who did you think I was?" He didn't want to be scrutinized.

"It's not important."

"Not important?! You do know who we're talking about right? Everything you do is of importance to us! We have to assure you're safe!" He crossed his arms, cold gaze still in place. "I believe someone told you not to leave the house alone." Soonyoung felt ashamed for not following the rules, but he was angry and acting on impulse. "What's important now is that you're safe. Let's go before Jihoon really does have my head." Jun let him get away with it for the time being, but Soonyoung knew he was in for a lecture when they got back.

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