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The drive was silent, Soonyoung pretty much in the same position as the last time Jihoon had dragged him away, only in this case he was aware that he was being whisked off. He still had no idea where they were going, but he trusted Jihoon enough to believe he wasn't in any real danger as they made another left turn. The car soon stopped and his men walked out first, eyeing the crowd before allowing Jihoon to exit. Jihoon extended an arm to Soonyoung to help him down from the car, a blush managing to coat Soonyoung's cheeks. It was ridiculous really, the whole thing was so ridiculous. And it felt even more so when he saw where they were.

Before him was the most gorgeous building Soonyoung had ever seen. People were lined up around the corner for the place, the food smell hitting him just as quickly. Based on others apparel, he quickly deemed his outfit unsatisfactory for a place like this and wanted to go back to his dorm and hide from prying eyes. But he was already getting looks as it was, people whispering amongst themselves as they watched Jihoon and Soonyoung. Soonyoung had a feeling they were looking at Jihoon. Man was he popular.

Instead of going to the back of the line, Jihoon breezed past the dozens of people before them, all of whom sounded annoyed at their arrival. Soonyoung's cheeks flared up again, embarrassment apparent. He did not like this, not one bit.

Inside, the building was just as beautiful as the outside, a scene from a movie almost with how well everything was laid out. Spotless glass windows and marble pillars led to small booth where a lone waiter stood. Soonyoung could only guess it was where they went to check in. The waiter took one look at Jihoon and panicked, calling quickly for another waiter and a waitress who dashed like mad the second they were given instruction. By the time they reached the lone man, he was coughing to mask the unprofessionalism, telling them their table was just about ready. They didn't even have to stand in the same place for too long, the waitress from before gesturing for them to follow her. They were escorted to a table just short of the veranda, the air crisp for an autumn night. Jihoon was a proper gentleman, going as far as pulling out Soonyoung's chair. Soonyoung sat with reluctance, still feeling so out of place. He didn't belong in a place like this.

"What can I get started for you?" The waiter asked, another one already pouring them a glass of water. It felt so foreign to be waited on so dotingly.

"I'll take the house special." Jihoon ordered, peering at Soonyoung from above the menu. "He'll take the chicken dish." The waiter nodded, off to what Soonyoung assumed was the kitchen to drop off their order. Soonyoung took another look at his outfit, pulling a little too much on his shirt in discomfort. Jihoon noticed. "Is something wrong?"

"Maybe the fact that I'm not dressed entirely for this occasion." He deadpanned, feeling a little guilty at the sound of his voice. Jihoon seemed to want to do something special and here he was spoiling the mood. "I'm sorry, I just don't find myself fitting into this lifestyle." Jihoon hummed, snapping his fingers and being presented with his phone. (His henchman where there- at a distance)

"There's always other restaurants." He said with such seriousness that Soonyoung almost felt like laughing- almost.

"Well, sure, but you already ordered." Jihoon shrugged. "Wouldn't it be disrespectful to just leave?"

"I'm concerned about your comfort. If you are uncomfortable here, we'll leave, no matter the circumstances." Soonyoung let out a nervous laugh. He wasn't too sure how he felt about that statement.

"It's fine, really. I just wish you would have told me to dress for the occasion."

"I like what you're wearing." Jihoon was smooth. Soonyoung shook his head, remembering he was wearing Converse instead of proper dress shoes. "It's different."

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