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The world blurred into white walls, people coming and going, but one stayed the same. Soonyoung hadn't moved from his spot for almost four hours. The doctor still hadn't met him, he still stayed uninformed. Wonwoo was with him, seated beside him with just as gloomy of an aura. "Why did it end up like this?" Soonyoung whispered his dispears, wishing all was different, almost wishing he hadn't come into Jihoon's life. He felt like he was to blame. He was the distraction. He was always the distraction.

"Who could have known. We'd always been weary of Baekho. Who would have known him to be this despicable?" Wonwoo sighed, lugging a tired arm around a tired Soonyoung. "Regardless, he's still on our radar and we plan on fixing this injustice."

"That doesn't fix Jihoon." They had arrived with an unconscious Jihoon, the boy still breathing but barely. Doctors rushed him to the ER, but it's been quiet since then and Soonyoung is starting to hate the silence.

"Lee Jihoon." Soonyoung bolted up, rushing to the doctor in a matter of seconds. "Friends and family?" Soonyoung nodded, just wanting him to get out with it already. "The bullet grazed minimally past all vital organs. Had it been just slightly to the left and he wouldn't have made it." It set off tears. Tears Soonyoung had no idea he had been keeping in. "He'll be alright with due time. As for now, he'll have to stay on bed rest for a month though. His body needs it's rest." The doctor told them they'd be able to see him in another half hour and Soonyoung, just broke. Another sea of tears crashed down, Wonwoo catching him as he fell. The relief that washed over him was just that heavy. He could breathe easy. Jihoon was safe.

When Jihoon came to, the first thing he noticed was a lump by the bed. Further inspection revealed it to be Soonyoung and the sight made him feel at ease. Soonyoung wasn't with the bad guys anymore. He went to sit up, but a shooting pain on his left shoulder made him fall back. He hissed at the pain, Soonyoung waking at the sound. "Jihoon..." Once his eyes adjusted, he met Jihoon's eyes, tears welling. "You're awake." Disbelief was evident in his voice and Jihoon hated himself for causing him so much pain.

"I'm sorry for the pain I've caused. Believe me, I won't let him get away with what he did to you." Soonyoung smiled small, placing his hand over Jihoon's on the bed.

"Don't stress about it. The doctors say you'll be taking a months time of bed rest." Jihoon went to protest, but Soonyoung squeezed his hand. "Please- just take it easy. This was scary for me. You scared me so much." The waterworks were finally coming, tears falling and Jihoon even more upset with everything.

"I never meant for any of this to happen to you." He never meant to hurt Soonyoung, in any way. He felt like he's done him wrong. In more ways than one.

"I know you didn't. Can we forget this, at least for now?" There were a lot of things Jihoon wished to forget and although this wasn't one of them, for now he'd grant this request. He nodded and Soonyoung placed a gentle kiss on the back of Jihoon's hand. "Thank you. I love you." The words made Jihoon's breath catch, wide eyes as Soonyoung simply closed his eyes. He was probably so tired, so out of it. He must not know what he said. But Jihoon knew. And he'd be lying if he didn't say he loves him too.

It was almost a week before Jihoon was discharged, immediately shoved into his own bed by Soonyoung. "If you need anything. I'm here. You're not allowed to leave this bed."

"Not even to the bathroom?" He was going for something lighthearted, but Soonyoung only sighed. Jihoon frowned. "Hey, I'm sorry. I know this is stressing you out." He pulled Soonyoung down with him, the boy letting himself get comfortable on Jihoon's right side. Jihoon's hand went straight to Soonyoung's hair, gently trying to coax him to comfort. "I'd get it if-if this is too much for you." Soonyoung- who had barely started to relax- shot up, alarmed at Jihoon's words.

"What? No, it's not too much."

"Soonyoung, my life has never been easy. This, what happened to us, it's only the beginning. Especially, since, Baekho is still out there. You're in a whole world of danger. Before it gets worse... I wouldn't be mad if you left." Jihoon's voice quivered, in a way that was very unexpected for him. He hardly showed his emotions, but he'd finally hit his all time low and all that was left to do was break down. Soonyoung surprised them both, taking the lead as he cradled Jihoon into his chest. It was a little awkward and Jihoon was still sort of crying, but his shoulders eventually sagged in relief. Even though he said all that, he wanted Soonyoung to stay. He just means so much to him.

"Jihoon... I... I love you. I love you so much." Hearing it again, Jihoon felt it all the more surreal. Soonyoung was being so sincere. He was being so caring and here was Jihoon, still with his walls up. HIs life was hard. It was hard letting people in. Jihoon clung onto the fabric of Soonyoung's sweatshirt. Never wanting to let go, never wanting what they have to go away. There was a lot of stuff they would still need to work on. Jihoon knew he had to stop hiding himself away.

"I love you so- so much." The world felt almost complete, even with this only being the start of a new chapter.

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