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Jihoon took him back to his dorm after their very short lived time and Soonyoung was honestly disappointed that he hadn't suggested they do anything else. They parted ways with a promise to meet up sometime next week and Soonyoung pouted his way to his room. Minghao was around this time, raising a brow at Soonyoung's glum face.

"Are you okay?" Soonyoung whined, falling just short of his roommate's bed and onto the floor. Minghao was startled, peeking over his bed to see Soonyoung lying on the floor. "What happened?"


"Well if nothing happened why are you-"

"That's exactly why I'm like this! Because nothing happened!" He all but wailed, sitting upright at the foot of Minghao bed. "I thought Jihoon like me." He whispered, hands fisting Minghao's comforter. Minghao smirked down at him.

"He hasn't kissed you?" Soonyoung huffed, not giving him the satisfaction of an answer. "You're having a mid life crisis all because some guy hasn't kissed you."

"He hasn't done anything! He barely held my hand today!" Soonyoung lamented, feeling even more depressed. "I just thought he'd at least have tried by now." Soonyoung was a bit impatient if he was honest and with that came being impatient at Jihoon and his lack of action. He had said he liked him and they'd already gone out three times, and yet Jihoon hardly acted on his feelings, maybe allowing Soonyoung too much breathing room. It could do in part with Soonyoung having been hesitant about the relationship in the first place. But he was far from hesitant now- maybe too suddenly- and he really just wanted to feel Jihoon's lips against his. And maybe a bit more.

"So drop him." Soonyoung scowled at his roommate.

"As if I'd dare! He's great, amazing, wonderful!!" He shouted more about all the wonderful things he felt about Jihoon and in the midst of the chaos he was dealing with Minghao's phone rang. He answered it with a very tired hello, nose scrunching as the other person on the phone spoke. He had a comment here and there, but then he was passing the phone to Soonyoung. When he spotted the caller ID he got even more confused.

"Hello?" Jihoon's chuckle startled him and he felt his cheeks heating up because he kind of figured what was coming.

"By chance, are you missing a cellphone?"

Jihoon had scrolled through his messages, no doubt, to figure out out who to call when he found Soonyoung's phone in the duffle bag he had lent him. He then told Soonyoung he'd meet him outside of his dorm in a few minutes and Soonyoung waited casually by the front door until the familiar BMW pulled up.

"You really ought to be more careful." Jihoon reprimanded as he handed him his phone. "Never know who can stumble upon such things." Soonyoung felt more embarrassed at his fatherly tone and he stashed his phone in his back pocket for safe keeping.

"Thank you." Soonyoung mumbled, still a little hurt about earlier. Not that Jihoon knew. But he could clearly tell he was upset. He reached a hand out, gently brushing away some of the stray hairs that had fallen in front of Soonyoung's face.

"Something wrong?" Soonyoung really didn't feel like explaining himself so he shook his head, Jihoon's hand retreating. The man looked unsatisfied with the answer and he did the unexpected. He made the space between them nonexistent, arms wrapping around Soonyoung with purpose. Stunned, it took a minute before Soonyoung could do it back, sagging fully against the man and feeling some of the weight he had felt earlier disappear. "I had fun earlier." Jihoon whispered against his neck.

"But all you did was watch me dance."

"And I loved every minute of it." Soonyoung tightened his hold. It had been a long time since someone praised him so warmly.

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