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Soonyoung felt his heart racing as he paced his dorm room, wondering when Jihoon would arrive. It wasn't noon quite yet, but Soonyoung still felt burdened, like Jihoon wouldn't show up at all. The breath that left him when there was a knock on the door made him stop for a pause too long, Jihoon having to knock again.

"Oh, so you were awake." Jihoon commended when he say Soonyoung already dressed. Sonyoung laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, I just got out of the bathroom." A lie, a little while lie to make himself not look so stupid.

"Are you ready, then?" Soonyoung checked his pockets for his cellphone and then nodded.

"Where are we going today?" The excitement had been building since he had gotten of the phone with him.

"My family owns a multitude of businesses in the area, I thought I might show you one today." That perked his interest and Soonyoung was more than excited to see what kind of enterprises Jihoon dabbled in.

He wasn't expecting it to be a dance studio, a pretty famous one for that matter. Upon entering, they were greeted by multiple dancers, ones Soonyoung had only ever had the chance of seeing on a screen. When one of his favorite dancers welcomed Jihoon with a hug, he just about had a panic attack.

"You haven't been around in a while." Chan said when they parted, eyes flicking to Soonyoung. "And you brought a guest?" Jihoon nodded, taking Soonyoung's hand. It was the first time he was so forward and it made Soonyoung's whole face turn crimson.

"I did. He's a dancer too." Chan lit up, moving closer to him.

"No way?! How long have you been dancing?" Soonyoung didn't know Jihoon knew he was a dancer.

"Um since high school, that's when I started taking it more seriously."

"Do you major in it?" Soonyoung shook his head sadly.

"I wish, my parents wouldn't let me." Chan frowned at him, then he smiled, tugging on his arm.

"How about you dance with us, I'm about to start a class. You should join." Soonyoung was helpless, trying to politely decline- even if he really wanted to.

"I don't have the proper clothes-" Jihoon tapped his arm, stopping him from saying anything else.

"He'll be ready in a few minutes." Chan smiled one last time before disappearing into the practice room. Jihoon waved Jun over. He had a duffel bag in his arms and he thrust it at Soonyoung, who took it with a confused look. "I had someone prepare this for you." Soonyoung cautiously opened the bag, eyed widening at the name brand sportswear. He shoved it right back at Jun.

"No way! That probably costs more than my actual wardrobe." Jihoon took the duffel bag, gently placing it in Soonyoung's arms again.

"You deserve the best." He turned the boy around pushing him to what Soonyoung imagined to be the locker room. "Now go, they're waiting on you."

Dressed, Soonyoung stood at the door of the locker room for a long moment. He was actually going to do this, he was going to dance with some of his greatest inspirations, heck he was going to take a class with someone he so greatly admired. It felt surreal. Jihoon was like some kind of genie, making his dreams come true. He returned to see Jihoon sitting on a bench, surrounded by a few girls who were giggling loudly in the small space. Soonyoung felt jealous- for a short moment- eyes taking in the scene wearily. Jun seemed bored with them, but didn't bother to chase them away and Soonyoung felt inclined to be the one to do so. He walked over, sped walked really and stopped in front of Jihoon. Jihoon turned at the sound and smiled, somehow relaxing Soonyoung with that one gesture. "Go on then, show them what you got." Soonyoung was pleased, having been the one Jihoon addressed and not the girls. He ran off with a wide smile, it falling short when he was in the practice room.

The gray walls and open space were almost intimidating, but the crowd of people made it less so. Chan was at the front and when he spotted Soonyoung he clapped, getting everyone's attention. "Let's get started!" He faced the mirror, Soonyoung finding an open spot near the back. Chan was one of the best dancers he had ever watched on his computer screen and now he was in front him- more or less- and teaching him a dance for that matter. With every swoosh of their hips and swing of their arms, he paid the utmost attention, determined to show off.

They could finally add the music, taking it slow for half an hour before it was back to its regular speed. Most everyone in the class had it down pat, including Soonyoung. "How about I split you into a few groups now? We can really see what you guys can do." Soonyoung found himself with four other dancers and they eagerly waited their turn as they watched others perform the dance Chan had just showed them. By now, a crowd had formed outside of the room, glass walls allowing people to peek in. Soonyoung spotted Jihoon at the very front, more than happy to see his face in the crowd. When it was their turn, Soonyoung was allowed to be center and he did his part well, limbs fluid as he mirrored what Chan had just taught them. The second his knees hit the floor, his eyes found Jihoon- the man staring very intently at him as he glided across the floor. Soonyoung felt even more powerful as he went on, suddenly more than ready to approach Jihoon once the dance ended.

Claps were heard and Soonyoung feld from his spot, meeting Jihoon outside of the room.

"Did you like it?" He found himself asking and the man had that look on his face again, the very one the smouldered Soonyoung when they had first come across each other on the dance floor.

"You were captivating." Soonyoung preened, smile so wide he felt a little stupid for being so happy about the comment.

"Man, you were incredible!" Chan approached the pair, hand slapping Soonyoung's back with the comment. "I'd love it if you came around again." Soonyoung was in a daze, couldn't believe he was being asked to come back.

"I'd love to." Chan grinned, motioning to Soonyoung when he met Jihoon's eyes.

"You got yourself one heck of dancer Jihoon." More flustered than ever, Soonyoung went to protest, but Jihoon had already answered.

"Thank you, I wish we could stay longer, but..." Chan seemed to understand and he brushed him off.

"No problem, hope to see you two around sometime soon." Jihoon waved and guided Soonyoung back toward the locker room.

"Have a shower, I'll wait for you out here." He gently pushed him forward and Soonyoung was left alone for a second time that day.

Play it Cool - SoonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now