Chapter 1: Genesis

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♡ I am re-editing this story. The plot and characters have remained the same. I am adding information into my story because I felt as though some things weren't exactly expressed or incorporated properly. Do not get frustrated. There will be many new chapters to come for this story. I hope you enjoy the remastered version a bit better than the drafted version. If you have any questions about a specific part of the story, feel free to contact me. ♡





It all started on a balmy weathered Friday.

Friday of June 21st, 1977 to be exact. An alluring infant with the name of Lana Marie Carson was born on this very date in Minneapolis , Minnesota. Although, Lana was her given name she often went by her middle name, Marie. 

Marie was a very timid girl.  She resided in Chanhassen , Minnesota in a suburban neighbourhood with her parents who identified under the names of Elizabeth Marie Carson and Richard Arthur Carson. Elizabeth was an interior designer whilst Richard Arthur Carson was an aspiring assistant. He has worked with popularized celebrities before; but that was long before Marie was born. They both wanted Marie to be a lawyer but Marie wanted a different lifestyle. She had unalike interests and one of those interests was music.  She was a wonderful singer; however Marie was very introverted.  Many have wondered about the enigma that was Marie. A rebellious, hot-headed reserved child was definitely words many would describe Marie as.  

Each day was as repetitious as Saturday television, Richard went off to pursue his dreams as an assistant while Elizabeth sewed together fabrics to create furniture covers. Marie was frequently bored of these leisurely days. Marie starved for some excitement in her life. She sat by the window each day dreaming of becoming a famous singer. She didn't know how she'd get there; however Marie wasn't going to stop until she reached her goals. Marie never thought these days would change. How wrong was she ever?


On Sunday, August 29th 1993, Richard received a phone call from Paisley Park, A residence who was in need of assistance. Richard answered his phone in a rapid motion. ''Hello, this is the Carson residence. Who am I speaking with?'' A woman named Gina began to speak. ''Hello, my name is Gina. I was ordered to call a Richard Arthur Carson. ''  ''This is he, How may I be of service for you today?'' Richard replied.  My boss, Prince saw your resume that was entered just last week in the Career Services Program and he is interested in doing business with you.'' Gina stated. Richard couldn't believe his ears. There was only one Prince in this town. Richard knew that Prince could help his career excel on every level. ''I would love to work with Prince!'' Richard exclaimed.

Gina and Richard brainstormed a schedule that worked best on both of their accords. Richard was to arrive at Paisley Parks on a Monday. Richard shouted in an enthusiastic tone. He sprinted into the dining room where the rest of the family had begun to feast. Richard had the best news in the world and he couldn't wait one second longer to expose it. 

''I have the best news in the world!'' Richard exclaimed. He proceed to tell all the juicy details to both Elizabeth and Marie. ''That is wonderful, dad!'' Marie exclaimed. Elizabeth placed a kiss upon Richard's lips as a response to his news. Richard skipped out of the room with a smile painted upon his face. He hadn't scored a 'gig' in a long while. This was an opportunity that could impact the family in such a positive way. Finally Richard's confidence can heal from years of failed business deals. He had such a good feeling of what was to come. 

As Richard left the dining room, Elizabeth and Marie began to chatter all by their lonesome. ''Do you think that dad will become rich?'' Marie asked. ''I don't count on it, dear. Richard has had many failed business deals. I will be liberated for Richard if this deal goes right.'' Elizabeth replied. Marie pouted at her mother's comment. It hurt Marie that her mother didn't have belief in her father anymore. ''Oh, don't fret. There is still a chance. If we become rich then we can finally stop eating this processed government cheese.'' Elizabeth said.

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