Chapter 5: It's about Shawn and Aja

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Later that night......

Aja's POV

It's been a 2 days since I talked my sissy and miss her so much, I got the text she send  me but I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. I'm staying in a hotel until Joma gets all his things out my house Trish has been blowing up my phone like bitch you had sex with my nigga why would I want talk to you? after all I did for them both just makes me sadder at the thought of it. I'll go back to my place later on this week because I'm tired of this hotel and I miss my house plus I bought a new bedroom set because I was not going to sleep in a bed that they were in together who knows how many times.

Shawn's POV

I get so sick of talking to Darnell he's so dang needy like come on now, I'm a working wife with a child I don't have time to tend to his every need. I was about to take a shower and get into bed when I got a text from my boss.

Shawn's Boss
I just wanted to tell you goodnight Shawn
Goodnight Mr.Swan

After I texted my boss I went into my bathroom and ran a bath for me and my daughter, then I started to think about Darnell I love him so much but I have to do things on my own as well. SAHERE!! Time for bed bae.

Otay mommy
Lol I never want you to grow up

After I put my girl to sleep I did the same.

Pic of Shawn in bio

How do you guys feel about Shawn?
What will Aja do now?

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