Chapter 5

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When Peter woke up the next morning he felt like he had been hit by a bus. That was on fire. His leg had healed itself overnight but there was still a lot of pain. School wasn't going to be fun today.

Peter got of bed and walked over to his closet. He changed into a t-shirt and jeans. He saw his jacket hanging on the rack and he decided to grab that too. The burns hadn't completely healed on his arms yet.

He gathered up all of his homework and shoved it into his backpack. He then put a new suit into the hidden compartment of his bag. He still had to mend the one from last night.

Once he was ready for school, Peter walked downstairs to the kitchen. This whole 'living with the Avengers thing' was still kind of weird, but he was getting used to it.

"Good morning." Steve greeted as Peter walked out of the elevator. He was in the kitchen while Natasha, Thor, and Bruce sat at the table.

Peter took a seat as Steve handed him a plate of pancakes. "Thanks."

Steve sat down and looked at his watch. He sighed "How can Tony and Clint still be asleep? They're going to miss breakfast!"

Bruce chuckled as he read the newspaper "Tony has never been much of a morning person. Unless staying up all night counts?"

Natasha nodded "Clint is the same way. If we aren't on a mission, then there's nothing in the world that could wake him up before nine o'clock. And trust me, I've tried."

Thor laughed "Well, we will just have to see now won't we..." he stood up and walked into the elevator. A minute later screaming was heard from the floor above them. The elevator dinged, and Thor walked out. "He will be down in a moment." Everyone laughed as Thor calmly sat back down and drank his coffee.

Peter finished his pancakes and he took the plate to the kitchen. After placing it in the sink he walked back out and grabbed his backpack. "Well, I guess I'll be going."

"Oh, would you like me to drive you?" Steve asked. "It doesn't have to be an everyday thing, but I thought since it was your first day back you might want me to... but again if you don't that's completely fine..." he rubbed the back of his neck.

Peter smiled "Yeah you can take me today. I'll start riding the subway tomorrow."

"Sounds good." Steve picked up his keys from the table and they walked to the garage.

The ride to school was quiet but it wasn't too awkward. Peter was lost in thought, but an idea suddenly popped into his head. "What should I tell people about you?"

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"I mean how we are related." He clarified. "I mean, it's going to be kind of confusing telling everyone that we're like fourth cousins or whatever."

"Oh... yeah, that would be confusing..." he thought for a second "Just tell them... I'm your great grandpa or something..."

Peter smiled "Sounds good... gramps." Steve rolled his eyes as he turned onto the street with the school. Peter saw Flash's car parked in the front and his eyes went wide. He really didn't want to deal with him today. "Um... you can just let me off here..."

"Are you sure?" he asked "the school's right up there. It's no trouble."

"N-no this is good..." Peter tried to hide his nervousness as Steve pulled over. He prayed Flash didn't notice them. "Well thanks for the ride!" he grabbed his bag.

"No problem." He smiled "Would you like me to pick you up?"

"Nah. I'll probably go hang out with Ned after school for a while." He answered.

Captain Grandpa (A Spider-Man and Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now