Chapter 12

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Peter was swinging through the city having the time of his life. It was times like these he was really glad he was bitten by that spider. He had a girlfriend, there weren't any villains on the loose currently, and it was officially summer vacation! Life couldn't be better! * Bang! * Darn you Parker luck...

Peter swung down towards where the sound had come from. When he got there, he saw a bunch of men loading boxes onto a truck. He saw one guy yelling at another about being an idiot and letting some of the merchandise go off on accident. For some reason, the guy yelling was dressed up like a rhino... Weird... This looked like a big deal...

He tapped on his com and waited for a response. "What's up kid?" he heard Bucky reply.

"I found what looks to be some kind of weapons deal. They might be exchanging some of Tomes' old tech." he informed, "You might want to come check this out..."

"On my way." Peter sent him the location and he arrived a few minutes later. They ducked down in the shadows and formulated a plan. Once they were ready they sprung on the crooks. They never even knew what hit them.

Peter grabbed his camera off the wall. "Man, these are amazing! Jameson is going to flip!"

Bucky patted him on the shoulder "Hey kid, just don't get your hopes up. I'm sure he's going to be praising me in those papers."

"Hey!" Peter hit him on the shoulder and grinned "He'll warm up to me eventually!"

Bucky laughed "In your dreams kid! Now, go get changed. We're supposed to be meeting Steve and the others for lunch in half an hour." Peter nodded and ran off to get his clothes.

~time skip~

Thirty minutes later Bucky and Peter walked into the tower. They were in the middle of a deep conversation, and Steve noticed. He had invited Bucky here to help him find out if Peter was lying. Now it felt like they were both lying!

They both sat down at the table, and lunch proceeded fairly normally. Everyone was having a great time until suddenly Peter's phone rang. No one paid him much attention until he gasped when he saw who was calling.

"Hello?" he answered quickly "Yes sir. Did you see the ones I gave to Betty this morning?" he smirked "They were pretty good right? ...What do you mean they were garbage?!" he was getting mad now. He got up from the table and went into the kitchen.

Everyone was worried as they listened to what he was saying. "I'll have you know I put my neck on the line to get some of those pictures! What if he had seen me?! There's no telling what he would have done! Those photos are worth at least a hundred dollars apiece!"

They could hear a lot of yelling from the other end "Yes I am sure they are working together! How do I- Because I saw it! Yes, I know he is one of the Avengers..." all of there eyes widened. "Maybe this just means we all got him wrong...?" even more yelling was heard. "Sir, if it makes you feel better a have more pictures of the two of them teaming up. I can bring you them in 20 minutes. Ok, 10! For the last time, yes I am sure Spider-Man and the Winter Soldier are on the same side!"

He hung up the phone and walked back into the dining room. "Sorry about that, I have something I need to take care of." He went over and grabbed his camera.

Steve gaped at him "Who was that?"

He rubbed his neck "My... boss..."

Steve blinked "When did you get a job?"

He sighed "A couple of months ago..."

Clint turned to Bucky "What was this about you and Spider-Man teaming up?"

He shrugged "I've helped the guy out a couple of times. I wouldn't necessarily call it a 'team up'."

Tony looked back to Peter "And how did you get mixed up in this?"

He held up his camera "I take pictures. I'm a photographer for the Daily Bugle. Mr. Jameson hired me to take pictures of Spider-Man."

Steve's eyes widened "That sounds dangerous..."

Peter shrugged "I needed the money."

Steve's eyes narrowed "What for?"

Peter glanced at his watch "I really need to be going..." and with that, he made his way over to the Bugle. Hopefully, Mr. Jameson wasn't waiting too long...

~time skip~

Steve really didn't like the idea of Peter being so close to Spider-Man. Sure, the guy wasn't dangerous, but he got into some pretty messy situations. And he did it all to get a picture...

He looked up the Daily Bugle and went to their website. He saw plenty of pictures of Spider-Man. And all of them had been taken by Peter... Did nobody else take this guy's picture? It said that the Bugle would pay $100 for every picture of Spider-Man. If Peter took all of these pictures... what was he doing with that money...?

~time skip~

Peter got everything sorted out with Mr. Jameson. He finally believed him that the Winter Soldier and Spider-Man had teamed up. He was convinced that Spider-Man had brainwashed him or something. Honestly, that man had the wildest imagination sometimes.

Now, he had to deal with Steve knowing about his job at the Bugle. Not the worst secret for him to find out, but he still wished he hadn't. He should have gone to his room to take that stupid phone call...

He decided that he needed to talk things over with Ned before he talked to Steve. Ned always helped him get his head straight. And he sure needed help with that a lot these days...

~time skip~

Ned's advice was to for the most part pretend like nothing was wrong. (That seemed to be his advice for most situations...) If he acted like having a job like this was normal, then maybe Steve wouldn't think it was such a big deal.

~time skip~

Peter walked into the tower, and sure enough, Steve was waiting for him when he got to his floor. "Can I talk to you for a second Pete?" he nodded. Here it comes... he sat down on the couch next to him. "Look, I'm not going to cut around the bush. I know you have been lying to me. For a while now in fact. I know you haven't been tripping down stairs, and I know you haven't been staying at Ned's house. The problem is, I don't know why you have been lying. Then I find out you have this job that puts you in danger every day? Why didn't you tell me?"

Peter had three choices. One, make up another lie. Two, tell him the truth about being Spider-Man. Or three, tell him a smaller truth and hope he buys that. "I get bullied." He blurted out. Steve's eyes widened. "But don't worry, Bucky already took care of it! He said he scared him off and Flash hasn't bothered me since."

Steve gaped at him "so every time you 'fell down the stairs'...?" he nodded "Pete, why didn't you tell me?"

He looked down "I didn't want you to make a big deal out of it... I knew I could handle it on my own. And I did. Sort of... I'm sorry, I should have told you..."

"Come here..." Steve reached out and gave him a hug. "I don't want you to feel like there is ever anything that you can't talk to me about ok?" he nodded. "Well, thank you for telling me the truth. I'm sorry that my mind instantly jumped to conclusions. You forgive me?" Peter nodded "Now, I'm not going to lie, I'm not a huge fan of you taking pictures of Spider-Man. But Bucky told me that you just leave your camera set up places and wait for him to go by?"

Peter would have to thank Bucky later. "Yeah, I do. Then I go pick the camera up the next day."

Steve nodded "It sounds like you are being fairly responsible then. I guess I will let you keep the job. Although, out of curiosity, what do you spend the money on?"

Peter had to think quick "Pokémon cards?"

Steve shrugged "I don't know what those are, but as long as they aren't addictive they're fine with me." They both laughed, and Peter went back to bed. That had gone better than he had expected...

(A/N - Hey guys! :) Thanks for reading! If you guys have any questions for me, I have a book called 'Ask me anything' so go check it out. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility!) 

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