The Intruder

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I stared off into the distance. I couldn't think on how to finish the chapter. Sighing, I put my notebook to the side and gazed into the dense forest. 

This would be the third year I had lived in a cabin secluded in the mountain woods of Colorado. My modest one bed one bath cabin was high enough up that it barely reached above sixty degrees in the middle of summer. No internet. No neighbors. Barely any phone service. And I liked it that way. It left me plenty of time to work on my stories. 

Giving into my writer's block for the day, I grabbed my notebook and pencil case, heading back for my cabin. Entering the small living area/kitchen, I inhaled the scent of pine and incense. Home sweet home. 

As the last rays of sun were setting, I was curled up in a rocking chair by the warm wood stove with a book. Lost in the melody of words, I sipped at my tea as I rocked back and forth, back and forth. A perfect end to the day. 

A crack of a branch right outside my cabin snapped me back to reality. My eyes shot to the dark window, my eyes trying to adjust to the light change. Nothing. 

Then with a bang, my front door banged open. My tea mug shattered on the floor as I sprung to my feet. Immediately, I felt a sensation like my back popping and large black wings unfurled, filling the small space. My nails elongated into savage black talons. And though I couldn't see myself, I knew my normally (E/C) eyes had faded into black orbs. I must have been quite a shock, because the intruder stopped dead in their tracks at the threshold. 

"Get out." I snarled, black talons clicking against each other threateningly. 

"Is that any way to speak to the rightful king of Asgard?" A smooth male voice said, and the intruder stepped into the light. He was a tall, raven haired man dressed in black and green. His ocean blue eyes twinkled mischievously.

"My my," He chuckled, taking another step inside my cabin, "Your're a savage one, aren't you?" Without acknowledging his rude comment, my eyes scanned over him. Who the fuck was this asshole?

"Did the Avengers send you?" I asked warily, "I'm not joining them if they did. I don't want any part of that, just leave me alone."

The intruder tilted his head to the side, replying, "Avengers? Darling, do you have no idea who I am?"

"You're some asshole interrupting a perfectly peaceful evening." I retorted. 

Straightening up, as if I had offended him, he said, "I am Loki of Asgard. The rightful king..."

"Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes, "You've already said that bit. What do you want?"

A little stunned that I had not reacted differently, Loki replied, "I need someplace to hide." 

"Nope." I shook my head and pointed towards the still open doorway, "Get the fuck out." Loki bristled at my tone. Obviously, he was not used to being told no. 

"You will be rewarded when I take my throne," He coaxed, giving me a slight smile. I crossed my arms and flexed my wings. 

"I just want to be left alone," I finally said, "I don't want anything to do with kings or thrones or..."

"Or the Avengers?" He finished. I glared at him. 

"Look," He said, starting to step closer. A growl from me stopped him dead in his tracks, but he continued speaking, "I don't want anything to do with the Avengers either. That's why I need some place to hide." I sucked in my breath. This man was a fugitive. 

"And why do the Avengers want you?" I asked defensively. 

Loki gave me a genuinely surprised look, "Do you really not know who I am?" 

"I stay away from politics," I answered bluntly, "And if they want you, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole and rubber gloves. I told them I didn't want to be an Avenger, and when they didn't stop pestering me about it, I moved up here. The last thing I want is some super hero crew sniffing around." 

"Listen Miss..." He began,

"(Y/N)," I offered in a snappy tone. 

"Miss (Y/N)," Loki continued, "You don't want anything to do with them and neither do I. All I need is somewhere to lay low for a few days until I figure out my next move." He gave me a pleading look that made some small piece of my soul pity him.

"Fine," I replied, retracting wings and claws, "But you earn your keep. I have a lot to do to keep this place running and I could honestly use the help. You sleep on the couch, there are blankets on the blanket rack. We start work at dawn." I glared at him, meaning every word. Loki nodded wordlessly in reply. We stared each other down for a long moment, before I turned on my heel and stormed into my bed room, shutting the door firmly behind me.

Green On Black | A Loki x Reader lemon seriesWhere stories live. Discover now