Favor for Favor

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Loki and I fell into a comfortable routine, hunting some days and working around the small farm others. At night, we would curl up by the wood stove and read or talk. And when we went to bed...well, I slept a lot more peacefully. 

One morning I had a few hours free, and decided to spend them writing. Slipping off into the woods to find a quiet spot, I roamed towards a small, shaded area where a brook babbled softly. It was one of my favorite spots on the mountain. Settling down against a tree, I propped my notebook on my knees and began to write. 

I had only been writing for a few minutes when I heard something crashing through the underbrush. Bolting upright, I pulled a small pistol from its holster at my hip. As the crashing became louder, my eyes scanned the tree line, heart beating rapidly.

"Loki?" I called out tentatively, praying that it was him. However, the man that crashed out into the clearing made my blood run cold. 

"Thor?" My eyes grew wide as Loki's blonde haired brother stopped short when he saw me. We stared at each other for a long moment before either one of us moved. 

"Lady (Y/N), Tony has been looking for you." Thor said, slightly taken aback. 

"And that's the way it needs to stay." I replied, holstering my pistol, "What do you want, Thor?" 

Coming closer, he answered, "I'll trade you a favor for a favor. I'm looking for my brother, he's was spotted heading up this way." I felt the blood drain from my face. Loki...

"Thor..." I started, backing away. Picking up on the guilty vibe, Thor crossed his arms. 

"Where is he?" The King of Asgard asked in a voice that had me unfurling my wings to take off. 

"Don't take him." My voice was barely above a whisper. 

"You have him?" Thor's eyes grew wide and he took a step forward. 

"Thor, please, let him stay here with me." I said, my heart hammering in my chest, "I'll keep him here, I promise. We won't bother anyone." Thor peered at me intently, processing my pathetic pleading.

"Loki saved my life. I would have died in a bear trap if it wasn't for him." I continued, babbling like an idiot. Chuckling, Thor held up a hand to stop me. 

"Wait, Loki saved you?" He asked. I nodded in reply. Thor fell quiet as he watched me. 

"Can you really keep him here?" He finally asked. 

"I can."  I answered. 

I watched as he stepped forward until we were mere inches from each other. I straightened my back, resolved to not show him any fear. 

"If I see him anywhere off this mountain, Loki is ours." Thor said grimly. I nodded mutely, watching as he melted back into the forest. As soon as I was sure he was gone, I took off back towards home. I needed to find Loki. 

Green On Black | A Loki x Reader lemon seriesWhere stories live. Discover now