Just Different

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The very next morning, Loki didn't complain when you booted him off the couch. Coffee cup in hand, he followed you out into the yard. 

"We're going hunting today?" He asked, peering at the bow and quiver in my hands. 

"I am," I replied, "You are going to clean out the chicken hutch." He recoiled slightly at the thought of it. I rolled my eyes, setting off towards the woods at the edge of the yard.

"Why do you live like this?" Loki called out, making me stop dead in my tracks, "You know, civilized people buy their food in super markets, and have central heating."

I turned on my heel, marching right up to him until we were almost nose to nose, hissing, "You can ask Stark and the rest of his band of misfits why I'm here. It's the only damn place where they don't pester me about joining their little superhero group." 

Raising an eyebrow, he retorted, "Superhero? I had just thought you were some demon spawn." Unhelpfully, my wings flexed outwards, great dark shadows arching over my shoulders. That defiantly did not help my case. 

"I'm not a demon," I said slowly, trying to keep the feral snarl from my voice, "I'm just...different." Loki just shrugged, as if his point had been made. When neither one of us said anything else, I turned and started back towards the woods. 

"You know," Loki called after me, "If you got laid more often, you might not be such an asshole." 

"Why?" I called out as I melded into the forest, "You offering?"

Green On Black | A Loki x Reader lemon seriesWhere stories live. Discover now