The Dream

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I laid in bed, listening to the thunder storm that had popped up while I was in the shower. I let the rumbling and rain lull me into sleep.

Invisible hands were reaching out to grab me, snagging at my clothes. I slashed at them with talons, but they kept coming. I tried to run, but the hands grabbed my ankles pinning me in place. I snarled in frustration, trying to break free. 

A heavy set of hands shook my shoulders and my eyes snapped open. A tall lean figure stood over me, startling me. Without who it was registering in my brain, I swung a fist at their face, catching the figure in the jaw. 

"Son of a bitch!" Loki pulled back, one hand covering where I had just punched him. I sat up, coming back to my senses. 

"Loki, I'm sorry." I called out as he ducked out of the bedroom, "I'm not used to having someone here." Throwing back the covers, I followed him into the small bathroom. He was checking the bruise forming on his jaw.

"Can you heal it?" I asked, wincing with guilt. 

"I can," He replied, turning to me with a slight grin, "But I don't think I will. I want you to feel bad for what you did."  I rolled my eyes, feeling a little less guilty. 

"Hey now," He said, crossing his arms, "You're the one who woke me up. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I know, and I'm sorry," I answered, moving into the kitchen, "Will a hot cup of tea make up for it?" I heard his chuckle as he followed me out of the bathroom and flopped back down on the couch.

Ten minutes later, we were sitting on opposite sides of the couch, sipping some floral herbal tea. A fire had been lit in the wood stove, warming the small cabin. It was close to three in the morning, and I doubted I would get any more sleep. 

"So what was your dream about?" Loki finally broke the silence, setting is mug to the side. I shook my head and stared down at my own empty mug. 

"Just a reoccurring dream." I replied, yawning. This was going to be a very long day. Suddenly, Loki's arm wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me close until my head was lying on his chest. I stiffened slightly, then relaxed. We sat there in the warm darkness, silent. My eyes drooped and I found myself slipping back into sleep as I listened to the steady beating of Loki's heart.

Green On Black | A Loki x Reader lemon seriesWhere stories live. Discover now