The Forest

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I woke up on the couch, the sun high in the sky. With a jolt, I swore and rushed outside. Loki was just coming out of the shed where I stored my meat in deep freezers. 

Wiping blood off his hands, he smirked at me, "Well, someone slept in." 

" finished butchering the doe?" I asked, my mind still trying to wake up.

"I did," Loki replied, then added when he saw my face, "Oh, give me some credit. I can butcher a deer." 

I nodded, still standing there, feeling slightly bad that I had made him clean the chicken hutch out yesterday. It must have showed on my face, because he chuckled as he walked up to me. Smirking, he took my face in his hands, his blue eyes staring into my own (E/C) ones. 

"You're rather savage, you know that?" He whispered. Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that.

"Is that how you get girls on Asgard?" I pulled away, scowling. 

He laughed out loud, "To be honest, I can usually just smile and the panties start dropping. You however..."

"However what?" I crossed my arms, glaring at him. He had better consider his next words carefully, or he would be the next one butchered and stored in a freezer. 

"You are quite different from other women." Loki finished, "You're not the damsel in distress type. It's refreshing."  I gave him a small smile, satisfied with his answer. 

"Want to go hunting?" I offered, "The sun is still up." 

Fifteen minutes later, we were armed with bows deep in the mountain forests. Hidden behind some boulders, we waited for a passing deer. 

Sighing, I leaned against the boulder, enjoying the sunshine filtering through the trees. I closed my eyes, taking in the sounds of the forest. It was so peaceful. 

Stretching out his long legs beside me, Loki leaned back, saying, "A man could get used to this." I opened one eye and looked at him. Relaxing in the sunlight, I could see why women would throw themselves at him. Loki was absolutely stunning. 

Sensing me staring, he looked at me and gave a seductive smile, "See something you like?" 

I huffed, embarrassed at being caught, "Only you with your mouth shut for once." He laughed out loud, turning to me. 

"I like that about you," He said, tracing a long finger along my jaw. But I didn't pull away, something in his deep eyes kept me in place. Instead, I closed my eyes at his touch. When his hand pulled away, his lips found mine, soft and imploring. I kissed him back, the forest dissolving until it was just him and I. 

Too soon though, Loki pulled away, smiling. I opened my eyes, a blush creeping my cheeks. 

"My beautiful savage." He murmured, his ocean depth eyes sparkling as he stared at me. 

Green On Black | A Loki x Reader lemon seriesWhere stories live. Discover now