The Trap

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The serenity of the forest helped me to forget about my kiss with Loki, at least for a little while. I took quiet steps, tracking a set of deer tracks through the soft earth. I was so focused on tracking my prey, I didn't see the bear trap. 

Pain lanced through me and a scream tore itself from my throat like a wild animal as I lurched forward. My bow was flung across the ground, well out of reach, and unnoticed. Through a vicious red haze, I looked to see my mangled leg ensnared. My wings sprung from my back and flapped helplessly, as equally helplessly the talons that scraped the metal pinning me to the ground. 

In a desperate attempt to free myself, I yanked on my trapped leg. Another pang of pure pain shot through me, tearing another scream from me. Black began to edge my vision and my stomach rolled. I was trapped. One hundred percent trapped in the mountain woods with no one around. 

Well fuck me.

I must have blacked out, because the next thing I knew, the sun was going down. A chill had crept through the air, numbing the pain in my leg only slightly. A snarl peeled itself from my lips and I winced. My throat was so raw...

I laid there racked with pain. Any movement I made would only make me loose more blood. 


I scanned the woods around me. A predator could scent me at any time and be drawn by the scent of my blood. 

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I swore, again wincing as the words cut my throat even more raw. 

A crack somewhere in the trees caught my attention. I quieted, trying to move as little as possible. My talons lay unsheathed, ready to be used if need be. 

Loki stepped out of the shadows, his face a mask of concern, blue eyes glinting in the coming darkness. He paused mid-step when he caught sight of me, took in my pitiful form, then rushed over to me. 

In a flash, his magic opened the trap holding me to the ground. A fresh wave of pain washed over me, but I could only make a strangled noise in response to it. He didn't flinch at the noise I made, instead picked me up in his arms. I groaned as my leg was moved, my head lolling to the side. Blackness crept around the edges of my vision once again and I closed my eyes. 

As Loki carried me, nausea rolled over in my stomach. I leaned my head against his chest, trying to focus on the beating of his heart. The steady thump thump thump gave me something to focus on. 

"What the hell would have happened if I hadn't been here?" His voice was a deep rumble in his chest. I couldn't answer for fear of vomiting all over him. I was just grateful that he had found me. I let the blackness overwhelm my senses, carrying me away in a wave of silence. 

Green On Black | A Loki x Reader lemon seriesWhere stories live. Discover now