Unspoken Words

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When I opened my eyes, I was lying in my own bed in the cabin. The sunlight was leaking through the cracks in the closed blinds. What time was it?

I tried to sit up, bracing myself for the pain that was sure to erupt from my leg. But...nothing. Nothing besides extreme exhaustion and a sore throat. My arms were absolutely useless. Slumping back against the pillow, I took a deep breath. 

I must have made some noise, because a moment later, Loki appeared in the doorway. My (E/C) eyes met his blue ones and we stared at each other for a long moment. 

"My...leg..." I muttered, wincing at the rawness in my throat. 

"Healed." He replied, moving further into the room. He sat down on the edge of the bed, careful not to jostle me. His fingers intertwined with mine, warm and comforting. We sat like that for a very long while, neither one of us saying anything. 

Finally, he broke the silence, saying, "I healed your leg, but you should still rest." As he spoke, he picked up a mug sitting on the bedside table and handed it to me. I slowly sipped at the warm liquid. Tea with honey. It soothed my raw throat. 

"I'm sorry I've been such an ass to you." I said softly, ignoring the scratching the words caused on my throat. Chuckling, he kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes at the touch. It had been so long since anyone had done that. It felt so incredibly nice...

When I opened my eyes, Loki was staring at me. Those blue eyes were like the deepest depths of the ocean, pulling me down further and further into them. I wanted to drown in those eyes...

"Kiss me." I whispered so quietly I wasn't sure if he could hear me. But Loki smiled softly, his fingers brushing my cheek. Leaning in, his lips pressed against mine, long and slow. There were so many unspoken words in that kiss. He was so gentle, but firm at the same time. It was like telling me he would protect me. I savored that kiss, a little sad when it ended. 

Loki's blue eyes were sparkling with mischief when he pulled away, "You know, I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

Green On Black | A Loki x Reader lemon seriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt