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Kit's POV.

I hate school so much right now. Why is becoming a labor/delivery nurse so hard?
I had my head down on my desk as I filled out the worksheets and internship forms for the upcoming summer. Just 3 more years and I'll finally be done with school.

"Alright class.. Class is over, turn in your papers to the back. Have a great weekend," The teacher said as she packed up. All of the girls cheered and gave her (the teacher) hugs before leaving class. I was the only male-student in the class; and the only male labor/delivery nurse in the entire school. All the other guys were too immature and *cough* straight *cough* to be this type of nurse. *dramatically hair flips*

I grabbed my bag and laptop, gave my teacher a hug, and then left school for the day.

Now the hard part. Walking back to Phana's house in the rain. I hate walking when it's raining since I don't have an umbrella.

I started walking in the rain; even though I really didn't want to. I should've taken the bus.

I was on my phone answering a text from Phana when a bike came around the corner too fast, and hit me head-on. I ended up falling onto my back, dropping my bag, and cracking my phone in the process. I looked up at the bike-rider, ready to cuss him out. But he was gone before I could even say a word. I sighed and got up grabbing my bag and phone before walking home in the pouring rain.

"How the fuck am I going to pay this?" I asked myself looking down at my broken phone.

'Fuck my life.'

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