Ming & Kit

820 59 14

Kit's POV.

I. Am. Fucked. This is not good. Not good at all. My wallet is missing. It had to have fallen out of my bag earlier...

It's all gone. My money, my ID. It's all gone.

After I realised that my wallet was missing I ran back out to where I fell earlier trying to look for it. It's gone.

"Kitty, calm down. What's wrong?" Phana asked after hearing my rant and mental break down a few seconds later.

"I lost my wallet, my student-car/ID is gone, and my cards (money) are gone. I'm screwed! Who knows who could've taken it!" I said talking VERY quickly. Phana put his hand over my mouth to shut me up.

"I know where it is, but you gotta promise not to freak out. Ok?" Phana said and I nodded, then licked his hand so he'd uncover my mouth.

"Who has it?" I asked and Phana sighed dragging me back to the car and then looked at me VERY seriously.

"MingKwan." Phana said and I bursted out laughing.

"What? You're crazy, did you hit your head? Why would the biggest crime-boss have my wallet?" I asked not believing Phana.

"Alright, you don't believe me, would you like proof?" Phana asked and I nodded.

"Well... Yeah, you're crazy," I said and he told me to give him my phone and buckle up.

"Why do you need my phone?" Kit asked and Phana just started driving.

"Security measures," Phana mumbled and that just confused me.

- 2 hours later -

"Ming! I have a surprise for you!" Wayo yelled as he brought Phana and I into this huge-ass mansion.

"Ming?" I was still VERY confused...

"You found him!?" Someone yelled from across the room.

"I told you, he's my best friend," Phana said.

My soul left my body. There in front of me stood MingKwan. Thailand's biggest mafia-leader.

"He's even cuter in person..." Ming said while checking me out. I quickly hid behind Phana.

Social anxiety sucks.

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