E and Kit - Ming and Kit

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* very long chapter - you're gonna need tissues I cried writing this *

Kit's POV. - The Next Day

Ming was asleep when I got home, it's 3am of course he's asleep. I went to take a shower before changing and going to bed with Ming.

"Kitty?" Ming mumbled and I turned over to look at him.

"Yeah, go back to sleep. It's late," I said and covered myself in blankets while trying to sleep.

Ming just came closer and hugged me before falling asleep.

- next morning -

I was still asleep when Ming tried waking me up for breakfast.

"Babe, wake up..." Ming mumbled shaking me awake, I just flipped him off and went back to sleep.

"Just bring breakfast up to him, he didn't get home till 2am, let him rest," Pha said as he came to check on Ming and I.

Ming nodded and kissed my cheek before going down to get breakfast. I smiled and got up to take a bath before he came back up. I took a shower last night but I wanted to take a bath now just so I could relax a bit. Being a nurse is hard.

I almost fell asleep in the bath but Ming walked in just before I could fully fall asleep.

"You alright?" Ming asked and I nodded leaning my head against the wall.

"I'm tired, my back hurts, and I want to sleep all day but I'm so tired that I can't sleep," I mumbled and Ming pouted kissing my cheek and going back into our room before coming back in and getting into the bath with me.

"What are you doing?" I asked and leaned back on Ming while he hugged me.

"Cuddling with you," Ming said and hugged me tighter and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and kissed his cheek before taking a small nap.

By time I woke up I was alone, and in bed/dressed now. Ming wasn't in bed anymore. I looked over by the window and saw a note...

Get dressed in the suit I bought you ;) then come down to my office,

I smiled and got changed into the suit, did some make up, and styled my hair a bit before going downstairs to find Ming in his office, with Wayo, working on some papers.

"Hey, am I interrupting?" I asked and Ming shook his head no while Wayo smiled and hugged me. He's very cute and adorable while pregnant, he's still mad at Pha about it, but happy to have another baby.

"You ready?" Ming asked me holding his arms open for a hug. I smiled and nodded walking over to him and sitting on his lap to hug him. Wayo just smiled at our cuteness before leaving.

"Where are we going?" I asked and leaned on Ming, playing with the end of his tie.

"I was thinking out to dinner, maybe walk around the city for awhile? Bring a change of clothes too," Ming said and I nodded going upstairs to pack a small bag. Extra clothes, etc.

"Ready?" Ming asked again a few minutes later.

"Yeah, let's go,"

- after dinner -

We were walking around a park after dinner when Ming stopped waking and grabbed my arm. I was confused but Ming signaled to be quiet.

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