GettingBetter - Flowers

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Kit's POV. - 3 months later

"Babe, you alright?" Ming asked laying down next to me and poking my cheek.

"I'm fine," I lied.

"What's wrong?" Ming asked and not even a minute later Pha came into the room.

"Kit, you've done this every year. Get your ass out of bed. Go get some flowers, and then spend time with Ming and get over it. I know that's harsh but it needs to be said. Get over Suthee. He wanted you to be happy. Not depressed every time something happens and especially not on his birthday. Ming. Make him happy, and if he stops smiling I won't hesitate to punch you." Pha said and hugged me before handing me some money and leaving.

Pha's right. I gotta get over E. it's been 6 years. I just need to focus on Ming and not what's going on in my head.

Ming was confused and asked me what was wrong.

"It's E's birthday... And I usually buy flowers to put on his grave but I never do... I get too sad and end up sleeping all day..." I mumbled

"What if I helped you? We'll go pick out some flowers and 'give' them to him together. It'll help you finally get there, and possibly move on? I don't wanna sound stupid and say I'm jelous of a dead-guy... But I'm jelous of a dead-guy..." Ming mumbled and I just smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Sorry... He's just... He was there for everything... And it's hard to just... Leave it behind I guess... It's like when you have a best friend, and then one day they just leave... That's the only way to describe why I can't move on from him... I moved on love wise, but I haven't moved on in a friend/brother kind of way..." I mumbled and Ming understood that complelty.

"It's like part of you died that night," Ming said and I nodded.

"That's exactly what happened," I mumbled.

"Well, let's go get those flowers then ice cream, gotta make you smile somehow," Ming said and I just laughed and nodded.

- at the cemetery -

"I've never actually been here... It feels weird," I mumbled looking around for Suthee's grave. 

"Over here Kitty," Ming said looking down at a grave. I walked over and my heart broke. 

"Suthee "E" S. 1994-2012, he was 18," I mumbled. 

"He never got to meet Hyun, never graduated high school, didn't get to do much except for proposing to me and starting to plan the wedding. Instead of that, I planned a funeral yet couldn't even come here..." I said and leaned on Ming. I was sad but I was done crying. 

"He was a nice kid, I only met him once at a family thing when he was 9 though," Ming mumbled and let go of me so I could set the flowers down next to his name, I also put his engagement ring on the grave. I've gotta get over him, it's what he wanted, so it's what I'll do. 

"Let's go get some ice cream before I start crying again," I mumbled and started walking away while Ming was still standing there. He followed a few seconds later and caught up with me holding my hand. 

- 6 months later - 

"Hey... Ming?" I asked knocking on his office door.

"Yeah what's up?" Ming asked opening the door since it was locked. 

"How would you feel about becoming a dad?" I asked and his eyes widened. 

"Are you---" 

"No, but Hana, Hyun's mom, is pregnant again and she can't afford having both kids, so she wants us to adopt the new baby after they're born," I said and Ming was shocked. 

"She wants us to have the baby?" He asked and I nodded. 

"We're the only people she trusts with them (1 baby)," I said and Ming smiled. 

"If you plan on staying with me forever then I'd love to become a dad," Ming said being cheesy.

"Shut up that was cheesier than ForthBeam and PhaYo," I said and Ming laughed hugging me. 

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