TinKit babysit Jo

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Kit's POV. - 2 months later -

"Kit, can you watch Jo? Beam and I are going out for a bit," Forth asked and Beam mouthed the words "birthday gifts" as Tin and I were watching movies in my room after our lunch date.

"Sure," I nodded and Jo ran in and jumped up onto my bed hugging me. Jo loves it when I babysit, I'm his favorite 'uncle'.

"Kitty uncle!" Jo yelled and hugged me tightly. Tin just smiled at the two of us. ForthBeam smiled too and kissed Jo on the head before leaving to buy gifts for Jo's birthday tomorrow.

"Nap time," Jo mumbled a few minutes into the movie. Tin put on a Disney movie for him and he's already tired. I picked him up and set him down on the small-bed-fort type thing on the floor and he instantly fell asleep. I smiled and wrapped him up in blankets and put his stuffed-puppy next to him.

"He's adorable," Tin whispered as we walked out of the room so he could sleep. I nodded and smiled.

"Forth and Beam have raised him well so far," I said and fell back on the couch downstairs in the movie-room formal living room thing. There are TOO MANY rooms in this mansion.

Tin just smiled and laid down next to me pulling me onto his chest and kissing my cheek.
He makes me happy, I think I can finally admit that. We've been dating for a month now and so far everything's going pretty well. He's super sweet, an asshole sometimes, but still very sweet.

"Do you ever want kids later on? Just like in general ya know?" Tin asked and I nodded.

"I wouldn't mind a few, I used to foster kids with---" I quickly shut my mouth. I didn't wanna bring E up around Tin. I was finally getting over him and I didn't wanna fall back into my heartbreak. Tin could tell something was wrong but he didn't ask. He just hugged me tighter and kissed my cheek/neck a bit to cheer me up again. I smiled and hugged him.

Tin makes me happy, I can finally say that confidently.

Ming's POV.

How does he make him smile like that?
I want to make him smile like that.
I want to be the one to make him happy.
I want to be the one to be that close to him.

That should be me with Kit.

Not Tin.

Apo had noticed this weeks ago.
He broke up with me, and is now helping me win Kit's heart.
And I'm helping Apo win Waii's.

I hope this ends well for us both.

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