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Kit's POV. - 1 year after the last chapter

"Congrats Kit!!" All of my friends yelled as I walked over to them after the ceremony ended. I have finally graduated college and I am officialy a Labour-Delivery Nurse. It took 5 years but I've finally made it.

ForthBeam hugged me first, Jo did as well. He's so cute now! He just turned 5.

PhaYo were next and they congratulated me. Along with Byul, the baby I delivered, and Wayo's pregnant again. Hasn't even been a full year yet and Pha's already gotten him pregnant again. They better get married soon.

And last but not least was almost boyfriend. We're 'dating' but not boyfriends yet. He smiled and hugged me while kissing my cheek.

"Congrats Kitty," Ming said and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and smiled. I was going to walk over to Hana, who's Hyun's mom, and talk to them for a bit but Ming pulled me back into him.

"Hm?" I was confused and he just dragged me outside.

"Ming! What are you doing?" I asked and he took something out of his pocket. A key on a chain?

"Do you officially... Wanna be my boyfriend?" Ming asked and handed me the necklace. I was shocked at first, but I nodded and hugged him while he put the necklace on me.

"Too early to say I love you?" Ming asked and kissed my cheek. I shook my head no.

"No, I love you too," I mumbled and hugged him.

- 5 minutes later -

"Kitty! Kitty!" Someone yelled and ran into my legs hugging me. I looked down and saw that it was Hyun. I smiled and picked him up hugging him. Ming smiled and I told Hyun that this was his new 'uncle/babysitter'.

"Kitty new wife now!" Hyun yelled causing me and Hana to start laughing.

"When he was little we showed him pictures of E. and he called him my 'wife' so now he thinks you're my 'new wife'," I said still kind of laughing.

Ming just smiled but shook his head.

"Kitty is MY wife, I'm (going to be) his HUSBAND, not wife," Ming said and hugged me from behind after he kissed my cheek.

I blushed and Hyun poked my cheek

"Tomato Kitty!" He yelled and Hana just laughed and took him out of my arms since they had to get home before traffic got too bad.

"I'll call you later!" She yelled and Hyun waved yelling bye as well.

"You're gonna be my husband? Who said that?" I jokingly asked Ming while I turned around to hug him, my head on his shoulder.

"Later on... I'll put a ring here... If you're ok with that..." Ming said and held my hand while I was still hugging him.

"I don't know... You gotta prove that you'll be the best husband ever before I decide that," I said and Ming smiled.

"I'll do that," Ming said and kissed my cheek again before we went to see ForthBeam/PhaYo again.

- 3 months later -

"Babe, when are you coming home?" Ming asked. He called me in the middle of work so now I'm in my mini-office calling him back.

"In the next 5-7 hours, someone just rushed in about to have a baby so I gotta help them, then I'll be home, I'm sorry... I know we were supposed to go out for dinner... I'm sorry Ming.." I apologized and Ming said it was alright.

"Just get home safe after work? It's pretty late, you sure you don't want me to come get you?" Ming asked. I thought about it and decided to let Ming come get me after work.

"Come pick me up?---"

"KIT! HURRY UP! THE BABY IS COMING NOW!"  Another nurse yelled knocking on my door.

"I'll call you back once I'm done babe, be right back!" I rushed and ran out of the room.

"You two act like a married couple," Forth said after Ming hung up the phone.

"They're basically married, they're too in love to have just started dating," Wayo said and Ming just smiled.

"It's just how we are," Ming said and smiled looking at his lock-screen of Kit.

"It's just how we are," Ming said and smiled looking at his lock-screen of Kit

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