On the way home

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It was a 3 hours long travel. As Leo slept, Charlie hadn't much to do besides appreciating the "awesome" landscapes.

So he played with Leo's hair and tried to sleep; unsuccessfully.

Charlie then reached his iPod in his backpack, his old friend, it's been by his side since elementery school, you could find his "lifetime" music collection in it, organized by years playlists, his biggest inspirations, a few pics of old loves and family.

Finally, after 3 hours on the road, they arrived at Charlie's. As Leo seemed exhausted, Charlie decided to just carry him inside.

It was late, almost 3 AM when Leo woke up, the house was quiet, Charlie was sleeping in the couch near him, instinctively, Leo started staring at him, Charlie's pale skin was even more beautiful under the moonlight that came in by the window. After sometime, for some reason, Charlie suddenly woke up, it was almost impossible to don't realize Leo's eyes watching him.

Charlie: Hey, are you having trouble sleeping?

Leondre: No...I mean...yeah...kinda. I'm just a little hungry.

Charlie: Ok, I'll prepare you something.

Charlie went to the kitchen and prepared some orange juice and toasts. When he came back to the living room, Leo was asleep again, so he decided to just eat it himself. Leo was sleeping again, but now it was Charlie who couldn't sleep, he then went to his room, turned on the TV and put it on Netflix, where he started watching one more episode of "House of Cards".

He didn't see the time passing.

It was already 6 AM when he looked at the clock, the end of the third episode was close, and the sleep too, he got some blankets, a pillow and went donwstairs, he covered Leo, putting softly the blanket around Leo's body and fitting the pillow under his head, and before going back to his bed, he bent over and kiss Leo's forehead, wishing him a good night.

When Charlie turned around, Leo woke up suddenly.

Leondre: We need to talk.


So, that's it guys, I hope ya'll enjoy the second part of the story, I'll try to keep each part with 500 words at least. Bye!

Bars and Melody - Love problems (pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now