New times are coming

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Guys, just to make it clear, Alfred is one of Charlie's uncles.


Charlie: Alfred, you know Joe since he was a child, he lies the whole time.

Alfred: Well, Charlie, to be honest, I don't think Joe was lying. First of all, he was pretty impressed with it and, why would he lie about such a thing?

Charlie: I don't know, but I can guarantee you that nothing happened  inside that room.

Alfred: What about you showering together?

Charlie: Don't be silly. Did you really believe that?

Alfred: Joe said that you were going to the bathroom with two towels, and that Leo was right behind you.

Charlie: Why would I do...

Leondre: Charlie, stop.

Charlie: Please, Leo, just give me sometime.

Leondre: I don't know, Charlie. I think I'd better take care of this.

Charlie: Please.

Leondre: I'll be waiting you upstairs.

Alfred: Well, after this, I don't think that Joe was lying.

Charlie takes a deep breath.

Charlie: I think I'm going through a dead-end-street, so, yeah, I'm gay and...

Alfred : Charlie, I don't really want to know if this was true, and this isn't even the biggest problem, when I told you the news were spread, I forgot to say you that your dad was notified.

Charlie: My dad?

Alfred: Your dad, the one and only.

Charlie: I don't even know him. Why would I care?

Alfred: Well, Charlie, we REALLY need to talk.

Charlie: Give me a minute.

Alfred: Ok.

Charlie go to his bedroom and knocks the door.

Charlie: Leo, open the door!

Leondre: No.

Charlie: Don't be silly, Leo, I love you.

Leondre: Go away!

Charlie: Leo, I've already told you.

Leondre: Get away from me!

Charlie: You're acting like a kid, Leondre! Open the damn door!

Leo opens the door heavily. His face is red, tears roll down his face, he is sobbing.

Leondre: I-I am acting li-like a kid? Do you r-really think so? G-get your shit t-together, man. You're acting like a little bitch. Leave me alone Charlie.

Charlie goes away. He start going down the stairs. Alfred then pull him by the arm.

Alfred: Come with me.

Charlie: Just give me a second.

Alfred: Be fast.

Charlie goes to the living room where the whole family was almost in silence.

Charlie: Guys, I just wanna say I'm gay and proud of it. And you'd better accept it; nothing is gonna make me change my mind.

Alfred pats Charlie's back.

Alfred: Well done.

They get inside the car. Alfred drives to somewhere far.

Alfred: Charlie, don't you remember all those times your dad teached you how to drive?

Charlie: Yes.

Alfred: And why did you said you don't know he?

Charlie: I haven't seen him since I was 7.

Alfred: Well, I think you're old enough to hear this story.

Charlie: If you think so.

Alfred: Charlie, your dad was forbidden to see you by your mum.

Charlie: What?! Why would she do that?

Alfred: No one knows. It's the biggest secret in our family.

Charlie: What is his name? Where does he live? With who?

Alfred: He is coming. You'll have time to ask him all this questions.

Charlie: What do you mean?

Alfred: You're going to be with him for some time. Your mum is gonna travel.

Charlie: You must be kidding.

Alfred: No, I'm not.

Charlie: When is he coming?

Alfred: Tomorrow by the morning.

Charlie: And where are we going?

Alfred: We're gonna have dinner. I'm pretty sure that you don't wanna eat looking to all those people judging you in a deep silence.

Charlie: Hahaha. You're right.

They arrive at the restaurant and after eating they take the way home. Charlie can't stop looking through the window and trying to solve all those questions, and even thinking about how would he explain to Leo why was he leaving. 

When they arrive home, almost everyone was sleeping, including Leo, he got to his bedroom.

Charlie: Bye, Alfred. Thanks for everything.

Alfred: You're welcome, Charlie.

Charlie opens the door quietly.

Charlie: Leo. I need you, now.

Leondre: What happened?

Charlie: Uncle Alfred told me things.

Leondre: Will this change my life?

Charlie: If you love me the same way I love you, yes.

Leondre: Well, you love me as a friend, right?

Charlie: Leo, please...

Leondre: Yeah, I don't think I wanna listen to you.

Charlie: Please, Leo, I've already told my whole family.

Leondre: Why would I believe you?

Charlie: Because my dad's coming tomorrow, I'm gonna live with him.


That's it guys, one more chapter finished. Hope ya'll enjoy it. Tell me in the comments if the story is too long, and how many chapters do you think would be great. Bye!

Bars and Melody - Love problems (pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now