Where Dreams Come True?

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Leondre: Now please, let me sleep.

Charlie: Ok, Leo, good night.

Charlie goes to his bed without knowing what to expect from now.

On the next morning, he woke up and took a look around, Leo wasn't there, and this time, there weren't any notes or any papers by the room. He took a quick shower and after getting changed, knocked his mom's room door; no answer. He then went downstairs to the reception and asked the woman behind the counter if she saw a woman with a girl and a boy going out, but she said that she had just switched with the other lady; he was almost sure they were planning something.

He then went to the parking lot and checked if their car was there; it was, consequently they were inside the hotel, the last place they could be was at the restaurant having breakfast. After nearly crossing the whole hotel, he arrived at the restaurant, and for his surprise, Brooke was there, alone, eating.

Charlie: Good morning, my little girl.

Brooke: Hey brother! Good morning and happy birthday to the best guy in the world. I love you!

Charlie: Thanks, Brooke, that was really sweet, I love you too.

Brooke: So...do you wanna eat?

Charlie: Yes, I'll be right back.

Brooke: Okay.

Charlie goes to the buffet and get some pancakes and orange juice.

Charlie: And, where they've gone?

Brooke: To the airport.

Charlie: What?! Why?

Brooke: I don't know.

Charlie: Well, if you're here, they'll come back - bites the pancake relieved.

Brooke: I think so...

Charlie: Why do you sound like you're hiding something?

Brooke: Well...Leo didn't seem to be at his best this morning.

Charlie: What do you mean?

Brooke: Maybe he's not coming back.

Charlie: Please tell me you're joking - the first tear shows up.

Brooke: I'm sorry, Charlie.

Charlie burst into tears.

Charlie: This is my fault, I did it.

Brooke: Don't be like that.

Charlie: How? Leondre is bad, and I hadn't the chance to at least say goodbye.

Brooke: Come on, eat your pancakes, drink your juice; you're going to be better soon, it's not the end.

Charlie eat pancakes which has mixed taste of chocolate syrup and tears of pain and regret.

Brooke: Good, now let's go to your room, then we can see some movie and wait for some good news together.

Charlie: He said something before leaving?

Brooke: He seemed a little bit angry...and he told us not to wake you up because he didn't wanted to make you feel bad or to hurt you.

Charlie: Just this?

Brooke: Well, I saw by the crack in the door he kissing your cheek, then he left.

Charlie: I'm an idiot.

Brooke: Let's go, come with me.

Brooke grabs Charlie's hand and pull him until the lift, they arrived at the boys room and Charlie unlocked the door, they lay in the same bed.

Brooke: It's gonna be ok.

Charlie couldn't even pay attention to the movie thinking about what he has done, he listened to the door opening and jumped out of the bed, he couldn't believe what he saw.


That's it guys! One more chapter finished, and this was made specially to @chloelovesfanfic13, who LOVES cliffhangers hahahaha. Hope ya'll enjoy, and one more time: Thanks! Bye!

Bars and Melody - Love problems (pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now