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After that discussion, they could hear the shower turning off, so they just stopped talking about Leo and tried to change the conversation subject.

Charlie: So where are we going?

Karen: It's a surprise!

Charlie: Can't you tell me? I won't tell Leo, I promise.

Karen: No, it's gonna be a surprise for both of  you.

Charlie made his way to his bedroom and saw the door half opened, Leo was getting changed, and for some reason he couldn't resist to take a look in Leo's white butt cheeks; since he got a boner, he decided it was better to wait things "calm down" on the bathroom.

Charlie finally get out of the bathroom and knock the bedroom's door.

Charlie: Can I get in?

Leondre: Yes.

Charlie lay back on the bed.

Leondre: So, have you discovered where are we going today?

Charlie: No, mom said it's a surprise.

Leondre: Can you guess it?

Charlie: I don't know. Probably to some restaurant.

Karen: Boys, are you ready?

Charlie and Leo: Yeah.

Karen: So let's get in the car.

When the boys got to the car, Charlie's sister, Brooke, was in the back seat, Charlie then stayed in the back with his sister and Leo sitted next to Charlie's mum.

After some time of driving, Charlie try to force his mum to give him the answer.

Charlie: Where are we going, mum? I don't remember being near here before.

Karen: You'll know soon.

After 20 minutes, they arrive.

Charlie: Mum, why are we at the airport?

Karen: We're going to travel!

Leondre: But I haven't even warned my mom.

Karen: Cool down, Leo. I did.

Charlie: Wow, and how about our luggage?

Karen: I took care of it for you.

Charlie: Mum, I have to admit, it was brilliant.

Leondre: Yeah, I really didn't expect it. By the way, where are we traveling to?

Karen: It's a surprise.

After parking the car, everybody walked by the airport doors, ate something and finally got to the check-in, but when both of them tried to see the destination, Karen told them to go away.

After sitting there for almost 15 minutes, Karen come back and take them to the gate. Finally, the three of them could see where were they going, the land "Where Dreams Come True", Charlie almost cried, since he is a potterhead.

Charlie: Mum, are you serious? Are we going to Disney?

Karen: Of course!

Leondre: Oh my God! It was my dream to get there again, the last time I've been there was like 7 years ago. Thank you so much!

Charlie: Mum, you can't even imagine how thankful I'm right now.

Karen: You're welcome boys, both of you deserves it.

After some hours walking and waiting,  it was time to get on the plane. Mom gave Charlie and Leo their tickets.

Charlie: Mom, why are you giving us the tickets? Aren't we together?

Karen: Not exactly, I think you're already big boys and you can deal with it by yourselves. So Brooke and I are going on the front and you two are going on the back.

Charlie gave his Mom a big hug and whispered in her year "Thanks, mum!", and kissed her cheek gently.

On the plane, they discovered that mum didn't mean what they tought she meant, she was literally on the front...on the seat in front of them.

After the plane takeoff, one more time Leo was fast asleep on Charlie's chest, but this time, more than never, Charlie felt like giving Leo a tight hug.

It was a beginning of something.


That's it guys. Hope ya'll enjoy this chapter. Bye!

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