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Leo opens the room's door, run inside and throw himself on the queen size bed, Charlie was getting a little afraid with all that excitment, so he just sitted on the other bed.

Leondre: Charlie, sit here.

Charlie: No...I'm ok like this.

Leondre: I wasn't asking, it was an order. We really need to talk about something before you get told by someone else.

Charlie: What kind of things?

Leondre: Love things.

Charlie: Can't you just tell me like this?

Leondre: It's your last chance.

Charlie: Ok.

Charlie gets up and sit next to Leo.

Leondre: So, all those things that have been happening in the last days...I don't know what was I thinking, but, it was just a phase, and we won't repeat it anymore. I'm sorry.

Charlie: But, why are you going to give up now that you've already seduced me? I've already accepted to be with you.

Leondre: Yeah, I know, the middle of the way, there were rocks, and I think I didn't pay much attention and I ended up falling.

Charlie: What do you mean?

Leondre: After the BGT audience, while  you were being interviewed, there was a girl, Mia, who has took part of the show, she said that she loved the way I sing and she loved my voice, my accent...and we've been texting through all these days, and now I'm gonna meet her when we come back. I'm sorry for making you lose all this time with me.

Charlie: You don't have to apologize, I don't regret about it, but I cannot understand. All the things you said, all you did, you were pretending all the time, Leo? - Charlie starts crying.

Leondre: No! I really like you, but I was confusing the love between friends with the love that exists between boyfriend and girlfriend, I don't know if you understand.

Charlie: I do, I was about to tell you the same thing, I don't care if I'm gonna lose some friends, I'm gonna have the best one by my side.

Leondre: Charlie, this was really sweet, but after all things that happened between me and Mia, it would be unfair to stay with you, and plus, you have Ann.

Charlie: So that's it? - he dries his tears - It's over?

Leondre: I'm sorry, Charlie, it really wasn't my intention to ruin our trip.

Charlie: At least, can I have my last kiss?

Leondre: Sorry, you've already had your chance.

Charlie goes to his bed, "lay down and die".

It has been a long night, Leo was in a deep sleep, and Charlie was there, completely awake, looking to the roof, trying to find forces to celebrate his birthday, he has 3 days to recover the deep cut in his heart, he was now feeling exactly what Leo felt when he rejected him; it hurts a lot.

As it was almost impossible to rest, he decided to send Ann a message, fortunately, she was there. What he realy wanted was to just tell her the thruth and wait for help, but the fear of losing her too was bigger.

He then putted his cellphone on the nightstand, got up, took his guitar, sat on the chair in the balcony and started singing while he tried not to cry: "I feel so trapped, there's no where to turn..."


That's it guys, I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter. And this time I don't have an excuse, I was really lazy, but I'm trying to do my best. Bye!

Bars and Melody - Love problems (pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now