Just the beggining

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Leondre: You can get what ever you want, today it's your birthday .

They kiss one more time.

Karen: Hmm...I see that you'd already talked.

Charlie: - blushes - Yeah...haha...I think so.

Karen: Don't be nervous, dear. I'm your mum, you don't need to be embarassed.

Charlie: I'm not embarassed, it's just that I'm not  used to kiss Leo in front of you. By the way, hey Victoria.

Victoria: Hey, Charlie, how are you doing?

Charlie: Very good, I would say.

Leondre: I've already talked with my mum about us.

Charlie: So she's ok with it?

Leondre: Apparently, yes.

Victoria: I don't have to be ok, this is your choice.

Charlie: Thank you.

Victoria: You're welcome. Leo already gave you your gift?

Charlie: I was trying to take it when you arrived.

Karen: With the mouth? Hahaha.

Charlie: Mum!

Karen: Sorry, Charlie, I just couldn't keep myself quiet.

Victoria: So, Leo, why don't you go show Charlie his  gift?

Leondre: Sure, follow me, Charlie.

Charlie: So...we're seeing each other at the hotel?

Karen: I was going to ask you the same thing. - winks.

Charlie: Wow, mum, please just stop. See you.

Victoria & Karen: Bye, boys!

Charlie put his arm around Leo's neck. After some minutes in silence they arrive at the car; it was gorgeous!

Leondre: There you have it!

Charlie: Wow! And where are we going?

Leondre: It's your birthday, you decide.

Charlie: Do you got any money?

Leondre: Just a dollar.

Charlie: So, should we go right to the hotel?

Leo positively nods.

Charlie then start the engine, the adrenaline has already started to run through his veins, all those times he drove sitting on his dad lap, or even by his side, weren't just for fun; Thanks, dad!

In a few minutes, they were back in the hotel; it didn't took much long for them to start caressing each other, as soon as they got in the elevator, Charlie pulled Leo closer and started kissing him while his other hand went down by his back until it reached some point below Leo's waist.

Charlie: Do you really want to do this?

Leo reached Charlie's hand, which rested on the back of his head and guided it to his crotch, Charlie felt the hard shaft of Leo's cock.

Charlie: So, is this a "yes"?

The elevator door opened and Leo pulled Charlie by his shirt collar until their room, he opened the door and closed it right behind Charlie.

Charlie lay down and pulled Leo, forcing him to lay in the bed. It was incredible how Leo's body fits perfectly with Charlie's, warm arms involve Leo in a hug, they kiss like there was no tomorrow. Charlie's lips were smooth as a baby skin, soon, their tongues were exploring each others mouths.

They changed positions as professional wrestlers, Leo was back on the top, without stop kissing, he reached Charlie's shorts, unbuttoned, slowly unzipped it and pulled it down leaving Charlie just in his white briefs, Leo felt Charlie's hot dick on his belly, he started stroking him over the fabric.

Charlie moaned and slided his hand inside Leo's briefs, caressing his smooth butt.

Stopping one of the best kisses he gave through his life, he asked between his moans:

Charlie: Are you ready?


That's it guys, thanks for reading and voting. Do you want sex in the next chapter? I hope ya'll enjoy. Bye!

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