The beginning of the end

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Charlie: W-well, dad, I don't e-even know how much you missed your drug, I-I suppose it was really hard, and I cannot d-deny that I'm really shocked, b-but, I'm sure you didn't know what you were doing. This h-happened ages ago, so, let's just forget it.

Maxwell: Charlie, I'm really thankful about you forgiving me, but I can't just forget, isn't that simple. And I deserve to carry this in my memories forever. If it wasn't by the lovely person who your mum is, you should be dead or raped. Anyways, I hope we can, at least, have a normal dad-son relationship from now.

Charlie: Of course we can! Your not a bad guy, at least, not anymore. But, how about your job?

Maxwell: Oh, don't worry, I already own my own company.

Charlie: Cool! Which one it is?

Maxwell: I can't tell you right now.

Charlie: Wait! Are you involved with drugs?!

Mawell: No! I don't do drugs since your mom made get out of your house.

Charlie: Good. Was it difficult?

Maxwell: Well, you need some money to start, and then you'll need some people who trust you and that can give you some more money, and after that...

Charlie: No, I was talking about the drugs. Was it difficult to stop?

Maxwell: Yeah, of course. But rehab helped me a lot. Now, let's talk on the way, otherwise we're gonna be late.

Charlie: Late for what?

Maxwell: You'll find out.

Charlie starts to drive.

Maxwell: No, Charlie, now I'm gonna drive, I want it to be a surprise.

Charlie: Okay... - he stops the car and change places again.

Maxwell: Now, you're gonna put on this blindfold when I ask you to, ok?

Charlie: Yes, I think so.

Max drives for 5 minutes and ask Charlie to put on the blindfold. After almost 20 minutes he parks the car.

Maxwell: Charlie, you can take the blindfold off now.

No response.

Maxwell: Hey! Charlie! Are you sleeping?

Max shakes Charlie by his shoulder.

Maxwell: Wake up, man, we arrived.

Still no response.

Max starts to get worried. He shakes Charlie harder.

Maxwell: Charlie! Wake up!

Max takes off the blindfold and aproach his head from Charlie's trying to hear his breathing, uncessfully, he starts yelling.

Maxwell: Charlie! Please, Charlie!

Charlie didn't move a single muscle.

Maxwell: No! C-Charlie! - he starts crying over the steering wheel.


Leo was at his house, laid on the bed, with his back on the mattress and his legs on the wall. He has just arrived home, and after asking his mum to prepare something to eat, as he wasn't a big fan of anything that was served on the Christmas dinner, he went upstairs and started talking to a boy who was from his school, Leo needed help to understand somethings he learned in math, he didn't used to talk too much with this boy named Troy, but he really needed help.

Victoria: Leondre! The food is on the table.

Leondre: Ok,mum, I'm going.

Leo goes downstairs and takes the cheeseburguer with bacon, before leaving the kitchen, he looks around to see if no one was looking, he get on his toes and reach the cabinet highest shelf, picking up a pot of Nutella. He runs upstairs again and locks the door behind him.

He eats his cheeseburguer, opens the Nutella pot and start eating it while he looks at Troy's profile pic, he can't help but think "I don't know you very well, but this could be a beginning of something".


That's it guys. Hope ya'll enjoy this chapter. I'm gonna be traveling this weekend, so I don't think I'm gonna post any updates until monday. Bye!

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