He's not coming

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He wasn't there. Charlie was dying inside, but he couldn't be that sad, it was his birthday, it was time to celebrate, just one thing came up to his mind:

Charlie: Mom, I wanna go home, I cannot leave Leo alone.

Karen: He's not alone, he's with his mom, she'll take care of him.

Charlie: But mum, you don't understand, he does need me.

Karen: Charlie, even if you wanted to, we don't have money to buy another plane ticket, we just have money to eat for the rest of the days.

Charlie: We can take money from my savings.

Karen: No way, Charlie! That money will be used when you really need, or just in your college.

Charlie: Please, mum - knees - I beg you.

Karen: You're losing your time Charlie, stand up, Leondre will be fine, and plus, he told us not to let you get worried about him.

Charlie: How can I be "ok" if the boy I love is now sick in a plane flying away from me?

Karen: I know, Charlie, but you have to understand, you're not going this time.

Charlie: But mum...

Karen: Charlie! Stop! I don't wanna hear you complaining anymore. Go change yourself, we're leaving in 10 minutes. It's your birthday, if you don't wanna celebrate, it's your business, but I paid to go to the park, so you're going.

Charlie: Fine!

Karen slams the door. Charlie holds his tears this time, he takes the phone and send Leo a message "Call me ASAP!", he put his tennis and went to the parking lot to wait Brooke and Karen, when they arrive, everybody remains in silence until Brooke yelled.

Brooke: YAY! Magic Kingdom!

Karen: YAY! I promised you we were going to visit the house of the princess.

Brooke: Thanks, mum! - Kisses Karen in the cheek.

Karen: And how about you Charlie? Are you excited to know all the princesses? - Giggles.

Charlie: Of course...

Karen: I promise he's gonna be ok. - Kisses Charlie's forehead - Now let's enjoy the day!

Charlie was trying to overcome the pain, again, he was angry this time too, Leo had already promised to do not hurt him again, although he knew Leo couldn't avoid being sick, he couldn't understand why Leo would ask his mum and sister to don't tell him what was going on.

The day was, well, not bad, as Leo wasn't there, he had to stay with Karen and Brooke, and as everybody know, girls' things are way different from boys' things; painting faces and wearing shiny dresses weren't in his plans.

Yeah, that was probably going to be a long day, the only thing Charlie was looking forward to was to receive his presents and to discover where they were going to have dinner, it was almost a tradition to go to the town's best restaurant in his birthday, and he was done of going to the same restaurant all the years.

In the middle of his musings his phone buzzed. It was Leo.


That's it guys! Hope ya'll enjoy it. I think I don't have any special messages, just thanks! Bye!

Bars and Melody - Love problems (pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now