chapter 6 - You,

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Authors note: hey guys so I'm gonna start adding pov's. I was meant to do that at the beginning of chapter 5 but I forgot so sorryyy😢 about that I am going to have to drop it here Starting with... Tobias's POV what do u think💗💗

Tobias's POV
I paced back and forth in my office , reading a file on my table which only had me seeing RED. I was furious at the fools I had left my wearhouse in New Orleans with, I should have known they could never do anything right without my supervision.

I ran my finger tips in my hair scattering it trying to figure out the next move, they let that bastard escape how could they have been so gullible.

Picking up my phone rage and anger coursing through my veins, in one ring I called the morons I called my crew. Putting the phone on speaker a shaky and petrified voice came on.

"B-boss" the man who seemed terrified said.

"Who am I speaking with" I spat in an irritated tone. Making the man gulp.

"Its ma-matt sir" he came like he had a gun pointed to his head.

"Now matt, you do know that you all FUCKED UP. Big time" I said clearly, the rage and anger evident in my tone.

"B--but boss"

"SHUT UP!!" I fumed pissed he still had the audacity to speak." You incompetent fools just let a man who destroyed twenty million dollars worth of my goods go". I said through grits teeth, "if you people aren't up for the task of just monitoring a man, then what are you capable of."

"I gave one mission find and kill him, is it so hard to pull a freaking trigger. If you guys keep on screwing up then they will take me as a joke and I can't let that happen. I got to remind them who's boss. And who. Is. The. Boss", I asked the idiot on the phone.

"You sir" came a stern voice.

"Good. Now find that sucker and put a bullet In his brains. Take a team and don't screw up or you might as well dig your own graves". I ordered ending the call.

Sipping the glass of scotch, my phone rang not caring who it was I paid no attention letting the swell taste of scotch linger on my taste buds.

Who ever was calling was persistent groaning I picked up the phone.

"What!!" I shoot.

"Well Tobias i enjoy hearing you pissed". he said with a chuckle. "Is that any way to reply your best friend/ underboss."

"Your not my best friend Liam and for my underboss you sure are doing a crappy job. Santiano escaped where, were you. Your job is to maintain order and fix shit while I'm gone".

"Yeah I heard he escaped, Just got off the phone with matt. He sounded like he was going to piss himself what did you say."

"Where are you, I need you to go back to New Orleans now".

"No can't do boss. I'm in Moscow. Got a lead on Stephan Gray his getting new weapons and I might know where his cartels hiding.

"At least someone has a brain. Listen carefully, Stephan can't find out your there. I want double of everything he gets understood".

"Obviously" he said guessing with a smirk." You just spoilt the surprise tho, me getting you double was the icing on the cake".

"Good to know I'm not totally surrounded by morons" I said taking another sip.

"Aw hope you aren't going soft on me, I know that's your way of saying you appreciate my efforts and I will take it. Soo Tobias how's that girl of yours, the one you saved. What's her name again ."

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