The Story

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The next morning came, and I cheered and danced. I was finally going to marry someone that I loved!

My feet raced downstairs but stopped when I heard a heartbreaking conversation. "I snuck out last night. There's a creepy man who saw my face. He knows the secret." Jesse explained as he looked at his mother and father. He is talking about the man in the yellow suit.

Angus let out a long sigh. "We'll have to split up. It's not safe otherwise."

Mae sat on the couch and began to cry. "I can't believe this is happening. I've waited ten years for this visit!" I finally revealed myself, but stayed by the stairs.

"We'll have to leave our cottage. Maybe for good this time." Angus stated as he tried to comfort his wife.

"We could come with you." I stated, leaning against the staircase. Winnie nodded and smiled, adjusting the vest she was wearing.

Mae shot up from her seat. "No! I knew I should have taken them back last night!" Mae cursed herself as Angus sat her back down.

"This is my fault! I should have never taken us to Treegap in the first place!" Angus said as he shook his wife's shoulders.

Winnie walked up to Angus. "But then you wouldn't have found the spring!" Winnie pointed out, visibly upset.

Mae looked at Winnie with puffy eyes. "Honey, that's entirely his point!"

"But the spring is a miracle! I'd drink from it right now! But, Jesse wants me to wait!" Winnie exclaimed as my eyes shot open.

I walked over to my young sister and pointed a stern finger in her face. "You are not drinking anything from that spring!"

Mae and Angus slowly turned their heads toward Jesse. Jesse slowly sank in the seat at the table.

"Jesse Tuck, for the first time in one hundred and two years I am truly disappointed in you!" Mae yelled at her son as he tried to stand his ground.

"But Ma-"

"No! Not this time! There are some things that even you can't sweet talk your way out of!" Mae yelled as she ran out of the house.

Angus panicked. "Mae!" He quickly turned back to Jesse. "Well now you've upset your mother. Say your goodbyes."

Angus ran after Mae as Jesse put his face in his hands. "Did I do something wrong?" Winnie asked quietly as she made her way over to Jesse.

Jesse looked up at her with wide eyes. "No. No, no. Never." Jesse reassured as he looked over Winnie's shoulder to see me shaking my head.

"Do you still mean what you said at the Silo? About the water I can keep until I'm seventeen?" Winnie asked as I made my way over to the two, anger in my steps.

He shook his head yes, but I quickly intercepted. "Jesse, my sister cannot drink the water."

"Why not?" Winnie argued as I turned to look at her, my face red. "Why don't you drink the water too!"

"I will!" I yelled back, pushing her slightly.

"Why!" Jesse asked, siding with Winnie.

I stomped my foot on the ground. "Because Miles and I are getting married! If I want to be with him, then I will drink the water, and no one can stop me!" I yelled as I backed away from the two. I quickly felt a hand on my back, looking up to see Miles.

"Why don't I smell pancakes? You two must be starving." Miles laughed as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. He was happier than usual, until he looked around. "Where's Ma and Pa?"

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